Calculate your matrimonial compatibility with numerology

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Calculate your matrimonial compatibility with numerology

To know the affinity with our partner, we will have to analyze the name, the surname and the date of birth of both. Here’s an example of affinity for you to do this calculation in your home. Remember that each letter corresponds to a certain number:

1: I, P, Z
2: B, J, Q
3: C, K, R
4: CH, L, S
5: D, LL, T
6: E, M, U
7: F, N, V
8: G, N, X
9: H, O, Y

When it is time to reduce to a single figure (both the calculated total of the first and last name as well as the date of birth) we must have in mind that the following numbers: 11, 22 or 33, can’t be reduced. These are considered master numbers.

Affirmations to consider:

  • If we reduce the vowels to a single digit and in both names gives us the same result, and then there will be much affinity in the tastes.
  • If we reduce the consonants to a single digit and in both names gives us the same result, then, one of the members of the couple behaves as the other wants.
  • If we reduce the numbers of the date of birth and in both cases give us the same number, then, both have the same goal in life.
  • The economic success of both can be given if; the final number of the sum of the name and surname is the same.
  • There is disharmony if one of them was born on an even number and the other on an odd number.
  • When we reduce the date of birth to a single digit, and this gives 5, 7 or 9, it is very likely that the marriage is unsafe and will not end up compromising. Both have to have these vibrations, for example: a 5 with a 7, a 7 with a 7, a 5 with a 9.
  • In order for there to be a lot of sexual connection during the whole course of the marriage, the birth date of one of them should add 9. If the sum of the calculation of both birth dates gave us a 10, for example, 4 + 6, then the understanding will be spiritual rather than sexual.
  • Important: In all cases, the numbers should be reduced to a single digit and this method also serves for the affinity between friends.

Affinity Example:

These names and dates of birth are not real and will only serve as proof that you can establish this procedure in your home. We will see the compatibility between:

ANTONIO GARCIA, born on 15/08/1992
MARIANA GONZALEZ, born on 17/06/1992

Next, we will compute consonants and vowels. In the following table, we will see the relation between the letter and the number. For this, the table that is in the introduction is necessary.

We will see the calculation for Antonio García:

Name A N T O N I O G A R C I A
Vowels 1 9 1 9 1 1 1
Consonants 7 5 7 8 3 3



Sum of vowels: 23 = 2 + 3 = 5
Sum of consonants: 33 (Master number is not reduced)
Total sum: 5 + 33 = 38 = 8 + 3 = 11 (master number is not reduced)

1 + 5 + 0 + 8 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 2 = 35 = 3 + 5 = 8

We will see the calculation for Mariana González

Name M A R I A N A G O N Z A L E Z
Vowels 1 1 1 1 9 1 6
Consonants 6 3 7 7 1 4 1



Sum of vowels: 20 = 2
Sum of consonants: 29 = 2 + 9 = 11 (master number is not reduced)
Total summation: 11 + 2 = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4

1 + 7 + 0 + 6 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 2 = 35 = 3 + 5 = 8


We conclude that as both dates of birth correspond. Both are the same even number. This means that both vibrate in the same tuning. Even numbers correspond to people much more passive and quiet. This couple will share the same energy. In addition, as we have seen in the affirmations, when we reduce the date of birth and this gives us the same number, the couple has the same goals in life. This makes their marriage have possibilities to grow, since both are in the pursuit of the same. We also see that the summation of vowels and consonants does not fit into one another. This means that they do not have similar tastes, although the positive thing is that neither of them acts as their partner wishes.

Recall that economic success is given from the concordance of the sum of the first and last names. In this case, Antonio gives us a sum of 11 while Mariana of 4. This does not mean that they will be in ruin, but, they will not share the same economic success. Surely one will do better than the other.

Thanks to this calculation, you will be able to know a lot more about the affinity you have with your partner. It is important that you carry out this process calmly and checking that summations are correct.


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