Alchemical Horoscope What Sign Are You?

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Alchemical Horoscope What Sign Are You - Mystic Attitude


The horoscope of alchemy is one of the less popular, but more interesting. It works 10 signs in relation to the energy of certain elements.

Calculate my alchemical sign:

We will have to make a classic numerological calculation. We will take our date of birth and add the numbers. The sum of them must be reduced to a single digit. That number is the one that represents our sign in the alchemical horoscope.

Here’s the example:

Jorge Pérez was born on 12/06/1989 = 1 + 2 + 6 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 9 = 36 = 3 + 6 = 9

The alchemical number is 9.

We will see below with which corresponds each number:

1: silver
2: Iron
3: Mercury
4: Zinc
5: Tin
6: Lead
7: Platinum
8: Nickel
9: Gold
0: Cooper. If the summation gives 10, 20, 30, 40 etc. Then the zero will be taken as the number.

Description of each alchemical sign:

1: Silver

Its energy corresponds with The Moon.

You have a lot of seduction and a vulnerable spirit in you. Maybe at first sight you do not show your spiritual side and therefore, many believe you superficial. But inside, you are a very emotional person and you may experience sudden mood swings. You are very good at all kinds of manual activities, so you can be a plastic artist or craftsman. It is important that through your work you can transmit your emotions.

2: Iron

Its energy corresponds to Mars.

As you are hard as iron, it is normal that you have many experiences of life that make you mature (to make you stronger). You tend to be very healthy and you care to stay strong and active. You are honest, but you have your fixed ideals that make you often, in conflict with others. In love, the more difficult the person is, the more desire you have to conquer it.

3: Mercury

Its energy corresponds with Mercury.

In alchemical theory, mercury is linked to female energy. So you have a lot of perception and sensitivity in you. You have the gift of speech that makes you live a life full of friendships and love stories. Even so, you tend to be very possessive and you often get angry in arguments.

4: Zinc

Its energy corresponds with Neptune.

You are a very cheerful and helpful person. Although you have to learn to say “no” when what it’s ask compromises your state of mind or your health. That is why you tend to give in excess and you have to learn to find the balance between giving and receiving. You are reflective for decision making. It is normal for you to become ill from emotional rather than physical issues. It is normal that your desire for freedom makes you live short-term love stories because you do not want to feel tied to anything.

5: Tin

Its energy corresponds with Jupiter.

You are a very optimistic and intellectual person but difficult to understand. Which makes you have few friends, but the ones you have are for life. You love luxuries and the good life, which is why it is normal for you to spend a lot of money on superficial issues. The interesting thing about you is that you do not feel attachments, and this attitude allows you to experience radical changes in life.

6: Lead

Its energy corresponds with Saturn.

If this is your metal, then your work in this life is based on molding your personality, working on your character and putting yourself first above others. You are in a process of inner discovery. In love, you have to learn to externalize your emotions. Even so, you are very detailed, you have a lot of patience and analytical ability. What allows you to develop in areas such as engineering, science and mathematics.

7: Platinum

Its energy corresponds to Earth.

If this is your metal, then I must tell you that you have a very special energy. You have a lot of elegance, distinction and presence. You only open with very trustworthy people, which makes it difficult for you to establish a relationship. But if the other has patience and perseverance, it will find out your deep soul and your total surrender. You have a lot of spiritual and mental balance, which helps you through the whole process of your life.

8: Nickel

Its energy corresponds with Uranus.

You have a lot of mental quickness, diplomacy and you are very practical when you are facing a conflict. You always find the solution of problems, both yours and others. In love, you are sweet and inspiring, although you do not fall in love easily. You have great energy in your hands, so you can be both a great artist and a surgeon.

9: Gold

Its energy corresponds with the Sun.

The alchemists looked to transform any metal into gold, which is why you are a precious metal and full of divine energy. You are passionate, faithful, generous, harmonious and you radiate your own light. Even though you are a great dreamer, you are also very responsible and have the character of a leader. So it would not be a coincidence that, in front of your professional career, you end up being the owner of your own company.

0: El Copper

It corresponds to Venus.

You are a person whose goal is to be filled with love. You are sensitive, respectful and you want to make the people you love happy. You look frail, but you have an incomparable inner strength. It is normal for you to be attracted to everything esthetic and that you need to be in touch with the emotional depth of others. It is normal that you look for an artistic profession or some career that allows you to help others like medicine, politics or law.

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