We receive the Sun in Aquarius

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We receive the Sun in Aquarius - Mystic Attitude

On January 20, the Sun will enter into Aquarius. This is a sign of Air, like Gemini and Libra, distinguishes their capacity for abstraction, take distance from the phenomena and transform any issue into “Nothing personal”, pretending to have a not so subjective view of reality as other signs.

Aquarius is the transpersonal sign of the element Air, and as such, symbolizes the most detached facet of the zodiac. Defining it is an almost impossible task since its main characteristic is the non-identification with the structures already known. Aquarius is what has not yet happened, the future, innovation, surprise, chance, the creative, the revolutionary. It rules the sciences, the discoveries and the vanguards. The revolts and rebellions, the paradigm changes and what does not fall into any category. Aquarius is the evolutionary leap, that instant of creative light where the network of links, knowledge and materials available at a certain moment generate, by a mixture of chance, attempts and coincidences, something new.

Aquarius does not believe in identity, or rather believes in the spontaneity and uniqueness of everything. That is why they can sometimes be somewhat eccentric or misunderstood. In their search for constant originality and creativity, they avoid repeating themselves. This leads them precisely to the Leo-Aquarian polarity. As complementary opposite signs they are in an eternal struggle for the true identity and expression of being. That Aquarius will seek through constant innovation and Leo through the crystallization of what makes it unique in the system, thus transforming itself into the center of its planetary group, like the Sun, its ruler. On the other hand Aquarius says: it’s true, you’re the star, but there are millions of constellations.

Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, whose form of movement in the orbit around the Sun shines for its singularity (the inclination of its axis is 90 degrees, so that its poles are at the height of the equator, almost 90 degrees) It is the The coldest planet in the solar system and the composition of its atmosphere is the sister of Neptune, the other great transpersonal of the card. In turn, it is the first planet discovered by means of a telescope! Such is its link with technology and science. Uranus in classical mythology is the father of Saturn (Cronos) and grandfather of Zeus (Jupiter). Inside the tarot, he is identified with “the crazy man”. The ancient regency of Aquarius, until the discovery of Uranus was Saturn. It is for this reason that the natives of this sign can sometimes resemble the Capricornians in stiffness, coldness and perfectionism.

The characteristics of Aquarians

Restless character, ethereal body or too sedentary, extravagant hairstyles, electric hairs. Another characteristic feature is the anarchy of his teeth, the bizarre way of combining his attire and of course the desire to surprise and confuse with his answers. If everyone says white he will say violet, not to generate conflict like a Scorpio, but because they assume that diversity is what enriches the network.

Do not forget that being a transpersonal sign is affected by the law of polarity. This is: by not being able to assimilate the qualities of the permanently creative in the daily life of a human being, they seek to strengthen their structure in radically opposed characteristics. It can be observed how many Aquarians are lovers of order, judicious, executive, doctrinaire, stubborn and conservative. The same type that are maladjusted, eccentric, “from another era”, geniuses, unpredictable and chaotic. The double regency of Aquarius divides these natives, or people with great presence of Aquarius in his letter, in two types: Saturnine and Uranian. That is why they can be the “old and authentic hippies”, the “outdated revolutionaries”, “crazy scientists”, the UFO fanatic, etc.

The mind of an aquarium is faster than any other, because it combines intuition and logic. He is profoundly rational but distrustful of all conventions, giving a certain brilliance to his ideas, but like most creatives his ideas may be recognized long afterwards. This can be frustrating, what they must understand is that those humanitarian ideals they have respond to extremely slow planetary movements, and to generational changes. They must work in groups and collectives capable of channeling their energy and creativity for the purposes of justice and equality.

As far as feelings are concerned, Aquarians are usually quite distanced from their emotions, their moon and their family. They usually do not feel identified with their membership groups on an emotional level and find it difficult to respect the conventions of their family and their partners. They must always be examples of detachment and free love or else they feel that they are being unfaithful to their essence. They can become quite abstracted from their physical needs, food, sports and demonstrations of affection, since they tend to live in the head. They are stimulated by the intellectuality, new experiences and creativity in the couple.

How to know if you have Aquarian energy?

In addition to being born between January 20 and February 20 (approx) you can have other characteristics of Aquarius in your chart. Check this information with the most approximate time of your birth:

  1. How many planets do you have in your house XI? Are they personal? (Sun, Moon, Ruler of your Ascendant, Mars, Venus, Mercury)
  2. Do you have any important aspect of a personal planet, or the Ascendant with Uranus?
  3. How many planets do you have in Aquarius?

What does the Age of Aquarius mean?

In recent years many people have begun to talk about the change from Age of Pisces to Aquarius. But what does that really mean?

Speaking astronomically the great year is divided into twelve Eras, each of which is approximately two thousand years long. With each new Era the sun seems to rise in a new constellation, or sign of the Zodiac, in the vernal equinox (March 21). Throughout the great year (25,800 Earth years) the vernal equinox travels through all the signs of the zodiac.

According to the original zodiac the vernal equinox is always in what astrologers call the 0 degree of Aries, just as it was when astrology began to be practiced, although astronomically this changes every 2 thousand years.

That is why the Era inaugurated by Christ, until today is characterized by Pisces, constellation that was in the vernal equinox, rules on spirituality and emotions. It is said that the era that is beginning, that is Aquarius, will be governed by technology, freedom and equality between all men and women.

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