New Moon in Capricorn

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New Moon in Capricorn

Astrological context

There is much that has been happening astrologically. We are in the middle of an internal work process, transiting the movement of seasonal planets. Your change of sign affects how we think, the idea we have of ourselves, and therefore how we act.

During the waning quarter moon, the moon in Libra made a square with the sun in Capricorn. In this way, the need to take care of our links with others took contact with our long-term goals and that is how intense days passed in our relationships and thinking about our projects.

In short, the year is just beginning and you know you want to manifest something, but all the plans, however individual they may be, have to do with other people at some point. To be able to realize our wishes, the main thing is to be honest with ourselves and with others, and thanks to Mercurio Retrograde we have reflected on this. In December we passed by the moment of accepting what we want and what we deserve. Now let’s go for it!

Next Tuesday, January 16, 2018 will be the New Moon in the 26th degree of Capricorn, towards the end of the Capricorn season. The new moons are beginnings, and this is doubly important since, in addition to the moon, the Sun, Venus, Mercury, Pluto and Saturn are in the same sign; and four of them doing quadrature to Uranus (the planet of sudden changes) in Aries.

What is it about?

Each new moon is the beginning of a cycle of 6 months to manifest goals oriented according to the area of our card in which this new beginning falls. In the same way, when the moon is full we will see the results we obtained.

This moon falls on the sign of Capricorn, which represents hard work, success, long-term goals, structures, maturity. Therefore, with this new moon, a beginning begins to be concretized, a phase in which what is decided will bring us great changes.

These changes do not only come from Uranus’ position, but will also be the beginning of the first season of eclipses of the year. And these astrological events have the mission to guide us in our life lane, so there will be no doubt that we will be committed to what we have to attend. This time we have no escape.

The “Capricorn Zone” of our card

At this moment we have a very powerful Stellium (accumulation of planets) in the Capricorn area of ​​our chart. This means that there is a lot of energy of different characters in this same house, which activates this area of ​​our life.

This is how certain issues that we wanted to leave for later, which we had postponed due to the laziness of doing the job, now take center stage. Our desire is clear, but we must work for it. Are we ready? Of course! This new moon is the energy boost we needed to move forward.

In addition, the moon is positioned close to Pluto (planet of transformation, metamorphosis, death to later reborn), so this is a very transforming New Moon. The panorama makes it clear to us that it is no longer a moment of indecision, for years we have been looking for something and this is the moment to act.

With this energy of revolution and transformation, we are building new bases on clean ground. We go from scratch; we have everything on our side to do it. Our task from now on is to support ourselves in laying the foundations of our dream. As much as the conditions are the best, many times we are the ones that sabotage ourselves.

So you can be clear about what you want to achieve, I invite you to make your list of intentions taking note of what you want and what you will do to achieve it.

Write your list of intentions

The New Moon phase, with its energy of beginnings, is the perfect moment to seed the intentions that we want to manifest. Remember that this six-month cycle includes the time between the New Moon and the Full Moon in the same sign.

In this case occurs in Capricorn, which is the sign that governs Saturn. That is why you can take advantage of this energy opening to write intentions such as obtaining a better job, saving X amount of money, investing in long-term matters, generating economic stability, emotionally maturing, among others.

The list of intentions can be written on paper, as decorated and colorful as you like. Feel free to write what you really want; nobody else is going to see it. If you do not recognize your wishes, it will be harder to achieve them! Be clear. Visualize what you want to achieve and give yourself the chance to go after your dreams.

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