Meaning of the Moon in Astrological Houses

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In front of the article of the meaning of the different astrological houses, we will analyze the energy of the Moon. Our natural satellite brings a particular energy and influence depending on the house you are in. Next, we will describe its energy in the twelve astrological houses.

Moon in the House 1

The main feature of people with moon in one home is their great sensitivity. They are very sensitive people to the opinions and acceptance of others. They need the approval of the rest, and if they do not they can feel frustration and consequently resentment.
Their sensitivity also causes sudden changes in character or what are known as “starters”, which is when the person radically changes their emotions and expresses them without prior thought. That is why the person should learn to take a few moments before reacting or opining.
Natives with moon in house one, prefer to live the present moment instead of projecting towards the future. On the other hand, the bond with the mother is usually strong.

Moon at Home 2

The influence of the moon in the house of Taurus makes the native gives much value to the material. The important thing in life is the money and the material goods that I can obtain thanks to it. From the emotional, everything happens for reason. It tends to rationalize his emotions which leads him to not comprehend them in their totality. You will have to learn to let yourself flow and balance the emotional and the mental.

Moon at Home 3

The great feature of the natives at home three is their great imagination. The native imagines and connects with his emotions, which makes him a dreamer. He needs an occupation that has changes, that stimulates him emotionally and involves him in different activities and with different people. It is no coincidence that because of their need for different experiences enjoy traveling and adopting knowledge of other people. For him it is better to listen to other people in order to learn to read.

Moon at Home 4

The energy of the moon and of house four are enhanced, thus generating a native whose life is centered in the home and the familiar. Here we can perceive issues and feelings of attachment for the place where the native lives. It is important that this house is well aspected so that it can have a good relationship with the father and the mother. Also, to be able to obtain family assets without the need for internal conflicts and thus achieve a harmonious family bond.
Another great consequence of attachments are the emotions of nostalgia where “all past times were better,” which prevents the enjoyment of the present moment. Also these people are usually very protective and conservative.

Moon in the House 5

House 5 is related to the sign of Leo. That is why this native will have strong emotions and character. There is a need to receive affection, attention and recognition from the rest, both by the family and by the rest of the friends, co-workers and other people. That is why the focus of your emotions is placed on the attention I receive and the pleasures that life offers me. If we are talking about a mother, then it is very likely that her life will be centered on her children. You will need to remember that children are “borrowed” from life and learn to let go of their constant recognition needs.

Moon at Home 6

This position is favorable for all those whose activities are focused on detail. For example, any cleaning, repairing or cooking activity can be very rewarding for natives with six home moon. Although their level of detail and exigency, will generate that they are difficult to accept the difference of attention of the rest. He is likely to be perceived as intolerant or obsessive, though he is simply a born perfectionist.
It is important that all this need for perfection does not affect your emotions, as it probably generates health problems. They are usually very nervous people with a need to do things in the moment. It is important that they can balance their need to keep everything in order by enjoying what they do.

Meaning of the Moon in Astrological Houses

Moon in the House 7

They are people who tend to listen to their heart over reason. When we make decisions it is important that it is based on a balance between the emotional and the rational. This is something that people with a home moon seven should learn because they are likely to marry young and so it is important that they know with whom they will spend the rest of their lives. If house seven is well aspected, this marriage is likely to be good. If this is the case, they will encounter very problematic situations. On the other hand, if we are looking at a man’s letter, his partner, he will look like his mother. They are looking for a relationship where the person they have at their side is very maternal.

Moon at Home 8

The emotions of the natives with moon in house eight are very deep. This emotional depth outweighs the importance to the sexual. That is why on a scale of values feelings are above sex.
The interests of the native are based on death and the occult. Everything esoteric generates a strong attraction for these people. They can have supernatural experiences or on the astral plane.
If the moon is afflicted, it is a complicated position because of the way in which the native could pass away. This is not definitive because it depends on many other characteristics of the natal chart, but can suffer from a public or violent death.

Moon at Home 9

These natives are looking for new horizons. There is a need to know other sites and individuals, in order to expand the emotional spectrum. Feel that the more you know, the more your emotions will grow. In turn, the native’s ability to understand and empathize, helps him to enjoy his trips with greater intensity. On the other hand, there is the possibility of changes in religion that can generate conflict in the family circle.

Moon in the House 10

The key to the home moon ten is the importance of the public eye and the reputation we build on it. They are people who have a lot of empathy and can therefore capture the needs of the public. They are people capable of establishing a connection with a social group. If the moon is afflicted, then we may encounter rejection from the public or have bad fame.

Moon at HouseĀ 11

People with a rather ample circle of friends are popular. They have a lot of sympathy and understanding. That is why the greatest strength to have the moon at home eleven are the relationships we are going to cultivate. There is also the possibility of adopting a child or accepting children of the couple. This does not mean that if the native is a woman he cannot have his own.

Moon at House 12

People with moon at home twelve normally do not have a good relationship with their mother. If we pin the symbolism of the moon (mother) and the house of twelve (karma, hidden, Mancias) we will see that the combination of both will give us a relationship with our karmathic Maternal figure. The native must clear his karma by investigating about family constellations and the ties he has with both parents. Every crisis must be taken as an opportunity. This is your chance to cleanse and heal that relationship so that in your next lives you can enjoy it.
On the other hand, they are people who are in solitude pre glands. They usually prefer to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city to go to a place that desolates them to meditate. Emotional reconstruction passes by themselves and not by another. On the other hand, they are attracted to the occult, loose symbols and Mysticism.

Photo credit: Frances Lane via Visual hunt / CC BY-ND

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