Meaning of the 12 astrological houses

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12 casas astrologicas significado | astrology houses | maison astrologique

Next, we will see the description of the nature of the twelve astrological houses. Every planet that stands in astrological houses will manifest a particular energy. The link between the signs, the planets and the houses gives us a description of our personality, our earthly, spiritual life and the relationships we can establish with others.

House 1

House One is what marks our personality, the way people perceive us and how we want them to perceive us. For this reason, this house is what determines our ascendant. Recall that corresponds to the sign of Aries and therefore speaks of our ability to start projects, our initial strength and energy. It also represents the beginning of our life.
It is important not to confuse the “I” of House 1 with that of the Sun. The Self of House One is posed from an external point of view because it is based on the physical aspect and the mind. While the “I” of the Sun speaks of the spark that is deep in our being and makes us live the way we do.
Aries, like its astrological house, help us to determine our vital energy, potential and motivations that we have for the decision making and initiation of projects that gratify us in life.

House 2

While House 1 corresponds to Aries and our ascendant, House 2 is linked to the sign of Taurus. This means it is focused on resources and personal assets. Being Taurus an earthly sign, it focuses on gains as gratification of our work and achievements. Money is the medium that allows us to buy personal property and hence its importance for this house.
So we can say that House Two is linked to our need for possession of personal property. That is why we ask ourselves: what importance do we give to what we have? What importance do we give to what we want to achieve? And of course: What are we willing to do to get it?
Taurus has the need to establish safe ground, to obtain money to be able to please his way of life. This implies that the ability to save and anticipate difficult moments is also extremely important. In conclusion, this house is based on how we manage the resources we have and on what we invest our profits.

House 3

As the third house corresponds to the sign of Gemini focuses on communication. It is linked to our way of communicating, the way in which we convey what we think and what we feel. All activity involving communication has to do with this house.
Also, house three is related to learning. With the agility and ability that owns the person to acquire knowledge. This is directly linked to our motivations and personal interests.

House 4

What best describes House Four is the concept of “home”. What we call home, can be our physical home, as well as the people or aspects that compose it from a symbolic point of view. If we make 20 people draw their ideal home, surely each of them will have a different idea. For some people it is a house on the beach while for others it will be a house in the forest.
It is no coincidence that the sign of house four is Cancer. The natives of this sign are protect their loved ones and care for the affections. They have a maternal capacity and a need to have a united family.
A balanced four house, communicates to us about our longevity and that of our family. In turn, it speaks to us of the sense of unity and harmony that exists among the members of the home. An unbalanced four house will be the opposite of all these positive aspects. This house makes us wonder: how was my childhood? How was and is the relationship with my parents? Where do I feel that I am at home? What are my cultural roots?

House 5

House five is related to the following aspects: children, creativity and relationships. When we talk about relationships, we mean our bonds of love. It is an analysis of the people we fall in love with, how we are affectively and how we carry out our commitments. It helps us determine what we are looking for from a couple and that is what we want our partner to look for or see in us.
In relationships comes our creativity, our way of expressing ourselves. It makes us ask ourselves: how do we express ourselves with our partners? Also creativity is based on our individual ability to create, our originality and inspirations.
House Five corresponds to the sign Leo, which is why the recognition of others in front of my actions is an important aspect. Leo needs the others because he finds himself through the other. It is about how we shine, what we show and what our leadership capacity is. House five also represents the children. From birth to physical appearance and personality.

House 6

House Six corresponds to the Virgo sign and focuses on service. It looks for to deepen in the form in which we work. The natives of this sign are usually retailers and perfectionists. That is why Casa six focuses on how we develop our work, conflict resolution, routines and job growth. In turn, the service in this house is not only the work in exchange for a remuneration but also, it is the disinterested service.
On the other hand, this house is also related to personal hygiene and health. Virgo is very detailed and tries to be fit. At the same time the health for the natives of this sign is linked to the working environment.

Meaning of the 12 astrological houses

House 7

From House 7 we begin to work our objective self. Whereas in the previous ones we work the subjective self. This house corresponds to the relationship we have with others and so describes the agreements, enemies declared friends and marriage. As you will see, it is about the relationships we have with other people outside our family circle.
It is important to know the planets within this house in order to balance our relationships. It is important to take advantage of the benefits that this house offers us both in business and in marriage.
The questions we should ask ourselves regarding this house are: how am I with my partners in my business? What are my enemies declared or hidden ?, Successful development contracts ?, How is my marriage ?, Who is my Couple and why do I choose it? These are general questions that arise from House Seven. Remember that every choice we make with another depends directly on how we manage with others.

House 8

House 8 corresponds to the sign of Scorpio. That is why it is linked to many profound issues, such as death, sex and the subconscious. When we speak of death, we not only speak of the end of life but of leaving behind what does not work. This process develops from the transmutation of the old to the new. In this house can appear diseases or health trends of the consultant.
On the other hand, House 8 also speaks of personal property. When we speak of our goods, we not only refer to those we generate ourselves but can also speak of an inheritance, of the goods we receive from others.

House 9

House 9 corresponds to the sign of Sagittarius and is centered in higher studies. If House 3 (Gemini) is communication and our interest in learning, this house will be the deepening of all our education both from an academic as well as philosophical and religious point of view.
This house seeks to expand our wisdom both intellectually and spiritually in order to transform us into great teachers. This means that learning is taken from both the theoretical and the native experience. It is also linked to trips abroad, which regardless of whether they are for pleasure or business, contribute a lot at the cultural level.

House 10

House 10 is linked with Capricorn. It is related to the vocation, our mission and the search for a job and social position that generates satisfaction for us as well as for the society in which we live. If House 10 is well occupied, it means that we like our work and that we do it with fun and joy. It also implies a rise in the social, where we enjoy the position we establish and the recognition of others. This house leads us to ask ourselves: What do we feel is success for us? What are our ambitions?
On the other hand, if it is poorly occupied, we will feel that our work is forced, that we must do it out of obligation and not for the pleasure of accomplishing something that generates satisfaction. You are likely to have problems with your superiors by establishing conflicts with them.

House 11

House 11 seeks to expand our objectives and thus cease to be only personal as in the case of previous houses. At the moment, what we do also has to be for others. The objective of this house is that one can carry out activities in order to help the community or a particular group. We have to ask ourselves: what can we bring in a disinterested way?
On the other hand, it has to do with friends and teachers with whom we exchange knowledge. That is why the planets in this house can describe the people for whom we are attracted and with whom we share interests.

House 12

Casa 12 is the most mysterious of all because of its hidden characteristics. It is linked to karma, experiences in past lives, personal obstacles, destiny and missions that remain to be realized. The idea in this life is to be able to cleanse our karma or whatever we have left to do in order to be able to free ourselves for the lives to come.
The fact that it is related to the sign Pisces and the planet Neptune, make the nature of this house very difficult to define. In turn, it is linked to hidden enemies that is not necessarily someone external to us. Normally, it is we who, through our decisions or the limitations that we feel we have, hurt ourselves emotionally.
Then the secret enemy is our inner self.
On the other hand, this house is linked to the occult, mancias and channels that are opened by our perception. It is also related to places of confinement. It is probable that in another life we have been in an institution, a convent, a hospital, a reformatory, or some other place where we have been in solitude for a long time. It is important to analyze your home 12 because probably, if you are a person who enjoys your time alone, you have been isolated from the world in some previous life.

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