Characteristics of the Seven Chakras

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Características de los siete Chakras

The Chakras represent the energetic centers of our body. Each of us has seven energetic centers. It is important to keep them balanced since they are points where energy is received and transmitted. If one of our Chakras is blocked or closed, you will feel it physically or emotionally. An element that can help you unlock them is the pendulum and its energy.
To use the pendulum as a method to unlock the energy points of your body, you will need someone else to assist you. You should be lying on your back, performing conscious breaths. The other person will have to sit next to you and place the pendulum on each chakra. You will wonder aloud if that point is balanced. From the movement of the pendulum you will know the answer.

Characteristics of the Seven Chakras

Next, we will describe each chakra in order that you may have knowledge of your particular energy:

First Chakra: Muladhara:

Color: Red
Linked to the land: “I have”
Element: Earth
Also known as the root chakra, it is located at the base of the spine, it is linked to the emotions related to the instinct of survival and the connection to the earth.
To activate this chakra we must carry out all kinds of activities that connect us to the earth at a conscious level. All kinds of physical exercise will help us to flow the energy of Muladhara.

Second Chakra: Svadhisthana

Color: Orange
Linked to desire: “I desire”
Element: Water
In the case of women, it is close to the ovaries, while in the case of men it is found in the prostate. By its location we understand that it is linked with our sexual energy, with pleasure and what we want.
It is important not to suppress or hide our true desires. In order to raise our sexual energy, it must be accompanied by love. There are many mantras that help us to purify this vibration, in order to elevate this personal experience that one shares in the intimacy.

Third Chakra: Minipura

Color: Yellow
Linked with the power “I can”
Element: The Fire
It is located throughout the belly button section. As its element is fire, the energy of this chakra is linked to our ability to take action. It is associated with the impulses necessary to act, with the inner will and coordination. It is important to keep the vibration of this energy point balanced, in order to feel confidence in ourselves and in what we do.
If we look at the image of the Minipura chakra, we will see a flower with ten petals. The number ten represents a cycle end, the culmination of something that allows the appearance of the new.

Fourth Chakra: Anahata

Color: Green
Linked with love: “I love”
Element: The air
This Chakra is located in the heart. Overcoming the impulses, and the energies of the previous Chakras, we begin to introduce ourselves into a much more reflective state. Where we analyze the treatment we have with ourselves and others. Anahata makes us wonder how others see me. What do they feel for me and me for them? That is why we can say that this is the chakra of emotions and relationships.
When this is balanced, that means that we are open to hearing what we feel and works as a guide to know if a relationship does us good or bad. It also teaches us the importance of speaking with the heart, from a place of love, understanding and affection. It gives us the strength to communicate what is true in us.

Fifth Chakra: Vishuda

Color: Turquoise
Linked with the words: “I speak”
Element: Ether
Located in the throat, this chakra is related to our ability to communicate. It is no coincidence that its element is the ether, which allows the existence of the four elements and establishes the connection of man with universal energy, with unity. The main quality of this element is the sound, the way by which we communicate among ourselves.
Vishuda impels us to strike a balance between what we hear and what we say. We must express ourselves to free ourselves as we must listen to learn from each other and connect.

Sixth Chakra: Ajna

Color: blue
Linked with intuition and understanding: “I understand”
Element: Time
Better known as the third eye, it is the energetic center that connects us with our perception, with mysticism, the psychic faculties that we have inside and above all with the transcendental energy.
Once the energy of Ajñá is balanced, we reach the state of detachment, releasing ourselves from the ego, in order to reach a state of enlightened consciousness. It teaches us the importance of controlling our mind so we can live the present moment in freedom and thus connect with true wisdom. The third eye is the one that allows seeing things as they really are.

Seventh Chakra: Sahasrara

Color: Violet
Linked with our true inner being: “I am”
Element: Space
Also known as “the tenth door,” its symbol is a thousand-petalled lotus flower representing the opening to the divinity. It is no coincidence that it is located in our head, since this chakra is associated with the spiritual connection. It is the one that allows us a total connection with the higher energy. Both the sixth and seventh chakra need meditation to release the mind, the objects, and the inconsequential in order to achieve illumination.

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