New Moon in Scorpio 20/10

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New Moon in Scorpio - Mystic Attitude


To understand this new moon, we first have to recap in relation to the Scorpian energy. Scorpio is a deep emotionally, determinant, sagacious, is the seeker of truth and if he has a goal, he always finds a way to reach it. But above all, it is the most passionate and regenerative sign. Death does not signify the end, but a new beginning. Anyway, every Scorpio has to work not to be affected by his resentments. Let go of the past and put all its energy into the present moment.

When we have new moon, it means that the moon is conjunction with the sun. Let us remember that every new moon brings new beginnings and opportunities. It gives us an enterprising energy. Along with Scorpio, we will begin to feel intense, possessive needs, and also, we will be deeply reflective. We may not speak as much this day as usual, as we are immersed in our inner emotions and thoughts. Added to this, when the moon enters into Scorpio, appears a dominant energy. The domain is in the unconscious and is presented with subtlety. From the earthly, the passion is turned into work. We begin to feel more confident and restless, with a lot of desire to move forward.

This is how this lunar phase merges together with the transforming energy of Scorpio. Recall that Pluto is the regent planet of Scorpio and resumed its direct movement last month. This also pushes us to transform ourselves and to move forward with what we want.

How does the new moon help us in Scorpio:

The new moon in Scorpio is very good to review our expenses and profits. This helps us manage better during the remainder of October and throughout November. Just the new moon allows us to start from scratch or to establish a new beginning with certain issues. That is why every new moon is an opportunity to order and reorganize.

On the other hand, you may feel the need to control your emotions or solve situations of daily life in advance. There is an issue with “having control” very typical of Scorpio. It is precisely to understand that control is fictitious since life is constantly changing. This is a good time to learn to flow and let go. To do this, we have to rely on the flow of things instead of trying to control it by our internal fears.

We have on one side Jupiter in Scorpio along with this new moon that speaks of transformation. What part of us feels we must transmute. Perhaps a recurring anger becomes conscious and is a great opportunity to transform that energy into something positive that allows you to advance and expand (as Jupiter wants). Perhaps it is a time for a spiritual journey or to enter into philosophy or mysticism.

We have Mercury on the other, which is the planet of communication. So, if you were thinking about starting to communicate something that is happening to you, this is a good time for you to start doing it. Scorpio is a sign that hardly shows its emotions, but this does not mean that they are not there. There are issues that need to be externalized in order to reach a solution. So, if you have something to say, do not keep it, but it’s also important that you consider the way you say it. When Scorpio has something to say, it may sting with the sting. There is a question between what I communicate and the interpretation of the other that is a question that no one can control. That is why calm and clarity is so important.

Astrological aspects to keep in mind on this date:

Jupiter in Scorpio:

Remember that we not only have the moon, but also Jupiter in this sign. This great astrological event, which began on 10 October, represents the union of the scorpion’s energy with the planet of expansion. It will increase the nature of Scorpio and will generate great internal regenerators and transformative changes for all signs. This is liberating for scorpions since, they have difficulty communicating and manifesting what they feel. Each sign gives you a push in one area of your life.

Mercury in Scorpio:

Remember that Mercury is the ruling planet of Gemini, sign of communication, research, is extremely curious and loves to be the intermediary in any discussion. You can always see the positive and negative on both sides of the scale. This geminian energy that is very well reflected by the planet of Mercury, is united to Scorpio. This is how Scorpio combines his intuition with the power of reasoning. It increases his curiosity and with it his desire to discover everything that is within his reaches. Also, as mentioned earlier, it speaks of a need to begin to communicate emotional issues that we have kept.

Moon trine Neptune:

We feel an increase in our creative power. We are more artistic, applying emotional intelligence over rational. It is no coincidence that this aspect is seen on the day when the new moon is placed in an emotional sign like Scorpio. Those born under the influence of this aspect will feel a natural attraction for mysticism, occultism and astrology.

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