Money: how will each sign handle its profit in 2017?

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We will talk about money and its influence on the signs of the zodiac during the month of March. Remember that it is important to realize that we are only analyzing the sun sign. If you want to find out about your money management, it is best to make a natal chart and find out which planets you have in house two.


It is no surprise that in this 2017, Aries, you will have good opportunities in relation to money. The layout of the planets will give you a lot of hard work and great rewards. In January you had the opportunity to make important decisions at your work, which meant that today you can concentrate on a project that motivates you. You are traveling for a moment of much movement and activity that will keep you busy throughout the year.


Something that we have commented, and that is important to re-emphasize, is that Taurus gives too much importance to money. Monetary issues grab your attention over other issues. No matter how well you do in your work and provide multiple benefits, you will not be able to enjoy the results of your work. The recommendation for this time of year is to analyze what your relationship with money is and why it generates so much anguish and worry even if you have it.


For you, the important thing is not to make hasty decisions and be organized with your profits. You will have a steady job, although you may see another source of income that you did not expect. It will be positive for you to perform different jobs, especially for your changing personality and your need to live new situations. Money, for you, is equivalent to working hard to get it. Do not worry, because for the next year you will be able to earn it more easily and doing a job that will enrich you emotionally.


This year is hard for your financial issues. You feel that you do not succeed in stabilizing yourself in the way you imagine or project. It is no coincidence that the labor instability of the first part of the year has affected your profits and savings. It is important that you understand that this year is a transition, and before you finish you will find a way to earn money with a job you will enjoy. Eclipses are the ones that moved you to generate a change in your financial life, so it is best to take advantage of this moment to perform tasks that motivate you and allow you to become independent in the area of ​​money.


The key to this year is to learn how to manage your winnings. In turn, you should not let yourself be carried away by the fears that often stop you when it comes to advancing professionally. Remember that money comes from working hard on something that pleases you. So, if you feel bored with your work, try to look for other sources of income that allow you to gain diversity. I understand that the last eclipse generated a blackout in you and your energy. So take your time to recover and do not blame the rest for the things that happen to you. You are the sole owner of your decisions.


Surely you feel that you are sacrificing much of your personal life in order to achieve your financial and work goals. Think that every sacrifice has its benefit and that in this period the others will have to respect your times and understand you. Do not stop for others because you are the owner of your life and what you want to achieve. On the other hand, do an introspective analysis of your expenses. Who do you spend your money on? In you or in others?


This year, the area of ​​money will benefit greatly. You are likely to receive a promotion or a change of position that will not only give you more income, but will also keep you busy and focused. It is normal that you feel the need to become independent and want to start a venture, although also keep in mind that this promotion or change work will serve your future projects. So, leave the melodramas aside and do not panic, you will get where you want, but first you need economic strength.


For you money does not make sense if you do not feel successful. This year luck will be with you in this regard, but you must learn to stay focused and take advantage of all the internal change you have to concentrate on your financial goals. There will be spiritual changes that will help you link money with what you really like to do.


The important thing for you is to manage your earnings correctly. I understand that your nature is based on living day to day and spending what you earn on superfluous objects. Remember that if your goal is to change jobs or generate something of your own, you will have to invest in it and not in secondary spending. You must know that in spite of this learning, you are very lucky and the money will come to you, so do not forget this great defect that you must improve.


I understand that you sacrifice a lot in your current job and give everything from you. The reward is not what you expect and this gives you frustrations. You are a person who by nature possesses a mental list of how you want things to be so that you live a full and happy life. Even though you have to manage your money better, you can expect expenses that you did not expect. It’s a time to save and stay out of investments.


Your mentality has changed with respect to your sense of money. You will become an entrepreneur and you can invest what you earn in things that make you well spiritually. This is very positive, because if you give money a value that does not correspond to you, then the emotions and earthly aspects will be unbalanced. In your case, it will be the opposite; you will see it as a medium of exchange, understanding that happiness passes through another place.


For you money has never been a priority in your life. As long as you live well and be calm, the rest is not relevant. It’s important that all the effort you’ve made to grow financially over the past year (you know it’s been tough) continues. If you do what you love, then the money will come to you. Remember that your great strength is art and freedom of thought. Develop projects, other than your work, that inspire you.

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