Monthly Horoscope | Virgo

How will Virgo be in the month of February?


The new moon last month indicated the beginning of a new stage that feels like a great start. As you already know, we all possess all the signs in our natal chart, and each one of them governs an area of ​​our lives. In your chart the Capricorn area talks about creative projects, romances that start, and children.

Following the pattern that the New Moons followed by the Full Moons in the same sign tell a story, we can translate this energy into that you are in a stage that began around the past January 16 and will last until the month of July. In this new stage, be it a beginning of relationship or the beginning of a project together (if it were a pre-existing relationship) you should try to make clear what you want from him or her.

So much expansion in your area of ​​communication takes you out of your comfort zone and encourages you to be able to present your point of view in a practical way, without it making you show in a cold way, but from the objective of explaining what you like and what not, so that this is good for both.

Pay special attention to children, because if you are very close to them it is probably a wink of fate anticipating your reality in the not too distant future.


As you know, eclipses are those moves that make the Sun and the Moon, which affect us all in a collective way and in turn to each person in a particular way. In July the first eclipse will be given in the sign of Cancer, which will take you to a creative project through which you can reinvent yourself. The beginning of a stage that finds you very passionate about your work is approaching.

To take advantage of this available energy it is vitally important that you use Jupiter in your house 3 to correctly choose the words when presenting your point of view. Remember that every detail (you know it better than anyone) makes communication, even body language, and the way you present your ideas will be the great pillar to achieve what you propose.



In February and with the arrival of the Sun, Mercury and Venus to your zone of routines and health, you see yourself benefited. The energy accumulated in this area of ​​your life makes you feel very vital and plan many activities. However it is important that you do not over demand and sleep the necessary 8 hours, so you can give your best performance in all your activities.

This month you feel good and you look even better. You will see how naturally you lean towards healthy options when it comes to feeding yourself and if you can enhance this with physical exercise, much better! Remember to work all your muscles. It is good that you try to exercise with a weight routine, even though it is small you will see how you feel physically stronger, and this affects the spiritual plane.

It would be good for you to add some meditation to your routine, that will give you an hour a day to visualize your projects and thanks to it you will have a clearer picture than ever. Aquarian energy benefits you, without a doubt.

Valentine’s Day Special

The sign that complements you is Pisces. This energy is completely different from you and is opposed to your need for order and your impetus to get everything under control. Pisces represents the dissolution of the ego, unconditional love.

It is a water sign and it is mutable just like you. Both know how to adapt to changes but they do it in a different way. Pisces is very emotional, and you need to express and share your feelings with the person you love. They are also very dreamers, which is why they are the most romantic of the zodiac.

Even if your partner is not of this sign you must take into account these characteristics at the time of the love encounter. For Valentine’s Day I propose a romantic movie, followed by a dinner in which you can talk and connect.