Welcome Jupiter in Scorpio! How will it affect the signs?

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Jupiter in Scorpio - Mystic Attitude

From Jupiter in Libra to Jupiter in Scorpio:

During the last week of September, many energy changes were happening. Before talking about these changes I must remind you of a special event. Making a recap of last year, Jupiter was entering Libra. Its entry into the sign of the balance is extremely important to understand what is coming.

You must remember that Jupiter is the planet of growth and expansion. While he was in Libra, he taught us about generosity, giving, the presence we reflect and how we stand before others. Also, Libra has taught you about being polite, courteous to situations in your daily life. We can vibrate in the cordial and polite energy of Libra, but in close relationships, things may not come out with the balance and harmony that seemed to carry within.

The sign of the balance is the sign of relationships, of love, that is why the great question to be addressed is: why do we give? As, true giving and true love, expects nothing in return and is free. One has to choose that person every day and experience the relationship in the present moment, knowing that nothing is safe or eternal. So here is the thing that we should all reflect about. You must ask yourself the reason for your giving and your love:

  • If giving is real, then you will expect nothing in return.
  • If your giving is because you are afraid of losing the other and so give you things / emotions.
  • If you give because it makes you feel good.
  • If you give by interest.
  • If you are in a relationship because you are afraid to be alone.

Many of these issues do not generate a positive energy exchange, but rather the opposite. We are not understanding what giving means and true delivery without conditions. Nor are we understanding the true love in freedom, without conditioning the other or wanting to change it to our liking. Do not give or love from the ego. I say all this because surely all signs have experienced a situation where another is angry with me because I did not give him what he expected from me and vice versa. Where there were emotions of frustration, demotivation and expectations that collapsed.

On the other hand, the growth that represents Jupiter tells us about changes. These changes that make us grow can be painful or pleasurable. For example, when we are in a relationship, there are things that we have to leave behind, we cannot (as the saying goes) stay with the bread and with the cake, because, it is either one thing or the other. If I am in a relationship, be it business or couple, there will be issues that will have to negotiate with the other. It is inevitable that, on both sides, things are left aside so that the link can thrive.

All this is what Jupiter taught us during his stay in Libra. Now, everything learned, we will have to apply to its arrival in Scorpio. Recall that Scorpio’s energy is totally different from Libra’s. Here all the veils fall, all that cordiality and image that we gave, no longer works because our emotions need to come out and show us how we are and what we feel.

How it will affect the signs:

Scorpio: The protagonist of the month that will live a deep renewal.

Thanks to Jupiter, you will feel a lot of expansion and growth. But remember what was said in the introduction, since all growth comes with changes and sacrifices. That can be painful, but necessary for you to make progress. This is a great message that has been brewing since the eclipses of August. On the other hand, Pluto, your ruling planet, resumed the direct movement in Capricorn since September 29. This is a plus that adds to personal transformations and relationships. Pluto is breaking with schemas and structures typical of Capricorn. It calls for a review and restructuring of your ideas and thoughts. On the other hand, when you make a decision, Pluto, which represents personal power, will help you and give you a little push. The key is trust in yourself and how you build trust in others, what your fears are and what you feel prevents you from moving forward so you can put it aside and take a step forward.

Cancer and Pisces: Signs of Water

The formation of a Great Trine appears. This will be very positive to expand the creativity in both signs. For Cancer, it’s time to turn negative energy into positive. It will be important to be more optimistic and trust the decisions you make. For both signs, there is regeneration in love, leaving behind much suffering. Anyway, my dear Cancer, I bring forward that next year, there will be an eclipse in your sign and this will generate effects in your area of relationships. Inevitably you will grow a lot. So it is best to take advantage of all these good energies to work on your conscience and prepare yourself for what is coming. You must become aware of yourself, of what you feel and do in order to work in the weak points of your relationships.

For Pisces, there is much reward for the efforts of the past. You have been working a lot both in the earthly and the spiritual. It is a good opportunity for you to release your adventurous side. This is about going into something different to help you grow. You will find many open doors within your reach and it is important that you take advantage of them taking into account that you must choose the one that corresponds with your soul and your intuition.

Aries, Leo and Sagittarius: Signs of Fire

For Aryans, this is a breath of fresh air. Remember that your opposite sign is Libra and in it was Jupiter. This change benefits you considering that Uranus also continues in your sign. Remember that Uranus is a planet corresponding to the element air and this is the one that feeds your fire. Unexpected changes continue and these benefit you.

For the leonine Jupiter happens to what would be your house four. There will be a lot of expansion and changes in the home that will benefit relationships with the people closest to you. Even so, you have to be cautious in making decisions as this position can put obstacles in other issues.

For Sagittarians, there will be a very deep spiritual work as Jupiter, your ruling planet, enters the sign of the occult, taboo, sex. It will be a great opportunity to immerse yourself in the depths of your person and discover your obscurities to bring them to light and to work them, as well as consider other issues of your personality that were there but it have not been easy to see them.

Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Earth Signs

Dear Taurus, Jupiter enters your house of relationships and this means that you will be breaking many schemes. You will want to find a bond with someone who frees you, with whom you feel at ease in freedom. You, which are a sign that love stability and routine, this energy, will be an interesting challenge for you to learn about the importance of change. On the other hand, it’s a great time to expand intellectually.

For Virgo it is also a breakdown of schemes. Enter Jupiter in your house three. So you’ll be doing a review on the way you communicate and what you communicate. Many times, you can be misunderstood or sound harsh in your opinions because you have very strong ideas. It is important that you open your mind and take advantage of other points of view that open your mind. It is time to understand that many things are neither black nor white.

For Capricorn you will work hard on the energy of your eleven house. This means that there will be much expansion in the field of friendships. You will also understand that it forms part of a whole, of a society and that you have to collaborate and participate in it.

Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Air Signs

For Gemini, this event means a change in your work environment. It’s time to expand professionally as well as be better at health issues and be more focused on this aspect that may have been neglected. You will feel that your life is ordered and that you also have the desire to organize and take things in a better way.

For Libra, it is a goodbye of the expansive energy in his house and this is directed towards the underworld. Your world of work, home, and profession will have an interesting improvement. You will have to accompany the change in all these aspects. You will have your feet planted on the ground.

For Aquarians, this change benefits them from their deep nature. You are much immersed in your profession. They are avant-garde and revolutionary. They live the desire to break with structures to generate new ones. For Jupiter in Scorpio, happens to be in what would be your ten house. It is a good time to find your vocation and achieve success with something that generates you fullness.

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