Ranking of the most wicked zodiac signs

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signos malos zodiaco

This ranking is based solely on solar signs. It will be something fun so that you can entertain yourself. Although it is important to keep in mind that it is always better to see the aspects and positioning of planets in a natal chart. That way we can see the aspects of fortune or misfortune, positive or negative.
You must consider that in your life, many things happened that make you the way you are today. So after the ranking we will see how our natal chart influences us.

Ranking of the Worst Zodiac Signs

No sign is totally good or bad, there are no whites and blacks in astrology. But according to many people, there are signs that are more friendly or better to deal with than others.
In number one is Scorpio: It is said that the Scorpians lead the ranking by having one of the most complicated personalities. According to the common people, the natives of this sign are the most vengeful and resentful.
As a personal experience I can comment that I am surrounded by Scorpios and the reason why most people consider them bad is because of their character. Having character is not negative and each person handles it differently. Scorpios often have pains in the soul or open wounds. Even if they do not say it with words, if one of them loves you, it will do so deeply. We will not be 100% conscious of their love, because they do not communicate frequently, but if we hurt them it will hurt them a lot and for that reason they do not always have the best of reactions.
In position number two is Capricorn: The reason this sign is in the number two position is because of its coldness in the face of conflicts that may arise with other individuals. A Capricorn will not hesitate not to talk to you about something you’ve done. In turn, they are very stubborn and if they are arguing, they will not stop until they are right (even though they are the wrong ones).
In position number three is Pisces: It is one of the most emotional signs and therefore has a lot of grudge if you do him harm. If they hurt you, you are capable of making others feel as bad as they have made you feel. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth!
In position number four is Cancer: The natives of this sign, are very emotional and expect to receive a share of your attention. If you do not do it, it is common for them to get angry or easily offended. They are usually vengeful or even reject you if necessary.
In the number five place is Gemini: Like all native Gemini, there are two twins inside. The good and the bad. When the bad guy shows up, then get ready because he’ll cool you down and be indifferent to you.
In the sixth place is Leo: The problem for people who are Leo is that, if you do not do what they say, then they will reject you. They want to be leaders, but at the same time, they depend on their followers. We then see two sides of the same coin, are dependent on the opinion of others, but in turn need to lead their relationships.
In position number seven is Libra: The natives of this sign kill you with their indifference. Do something that they disapprove and you will see how it excludes you. You will have no problem getting angry with you and even then, two hours later go out with friends and have a good time. They do not feel guilty for being wrong.
At number eight is Aries: The issue with the natives of Aries is that they are very hard-headed. What happens is that they are wrong with you (often the conflict is repeated) and have a delay to apologize. Even so, whenever they do something wrong, they recognize it.
In position number nine is Taurus: Taurins are not bad, but they are complicated. Usually the problem with these natives is that they take up with you for personal reasons. This happens because by not asking for help, they suppress their problems and cause them to be in a state of constant anger.
Virgo: Virgos only expect respect. Do not mess with them, as they often point out your mistake and they will be angry with you. As long as you treat them correctly, nothing will happen. Otherwise they will argue with you and give you very detailed arguments as to why you are wrong.
At number eleven is Sagittarius: It’s more the idea of revenge they generate in their mind than what they are really going to do. If I had to choose a proverb for these natives it is: “barking dog does not bite”. This is positive since it indicates that the anger is passed to them fast.
In position number twelve is Aquarius: Aquarians are love and peace. They are usually known for their kind soul. They are people who have many different friends as they are very open-minded and help them to accept people as they are.


Natal Charter: Positive and Negative Aspects

In the first place, we must understand that we should not be dependent on our natal chart or an astrologer. In particular, whenever we have to make a decision or make changes.
A badly aspected natal chart does not determine that a person is good or bad. It has happened to me to see natal charts that, according to theory, should be considered as negative and that generate many complications for the individual and yet the person is happy and manages to overcome his obstacles with great wisdom. On other occasions, I have seen letters with a lot of potential and, even so, the individual does not take advantage of or contact with these great qualities.
So we have to take natal charts as tools of consciousness. In this way, we can see what is positive and how to improve what appears as negative. A good birth chart does not guarantee a good, lucky and successful person. The guarantee of your life is in how you handle it every day.
By giving a few examples, a person with a moon in the twelfth house can tell us about a karmic relationship with his mother. But, the possibility of this relationship becoming or not harmonious, will depend directly on the person and the measures he takes with his maternal figure.
Another example, a person may have well aspected the house of communication (house three). We can have Jupiter in this house and in the sign of Capricorn. This tells us that we will have popularity and power to lead the masses. Even so, our leadership can be destructive and lead the masses toward hatred or indifference.
As you will see, it all depends on what we do with what we have. How we take advantage of the positive in favor of our spiritual being and of others. How we take the negative and recognize their learning. So see your letters as a means to achieve your goals and learn from yourselves.

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