New Moon in Taurus 2017. How will it affect us?

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Luna Nueva en Tauro 2017- New moon in taurus - lua nova em touro - nouvelle lune taureau

Each facet of the moon has a different function. For example, the crescent moon serves to attract or increase our health or energy. The waning moon usually serves so that we can heal ourselves emotionally and for the release of bad energies. The full moon is when we have our energy at its best and our intuition and spiritual powers are in a very high vibration. In this case, the new moon is the initial force, the primordial impulse that leads us towards our goals.

How are the signs affected because of the new moon in Taurus 2017

As we saw earlier, the new moon represents the initial force. If we add this energy with taurine, we will have the opportunity to take our earthly, material goals with great impetus. Remember that Taurus, is the most earthly sign of the whole zodiac (being land and fixed). The positive thing about Taurine energy is that they are realistic and persevering. This means that they will not undertake any activity without being totally sure that it will give them some kind of economic benefit. Unlike the Aryans, who have no problem performing thousands of projects trial and error, until they find the right equation. This means that the project that you decide to undertake, will have realism and objectivity. However, keep in mind that you will need a routine, perseverance and effort (typical of the taurine nature). The new moon is when we plant the seed and we will have to take care of it and protect it in order to see its results over time.
If we see the rest of the planetary spectrum, we will see a semi sextile in relation to our new moon in Taurus. To be clear, a semi sextile, is part of what is known as Aspects. The Aspect type depends directly on the positioning of the planets. The semi sextile, is formed from the formation of a 30 degree angle generated between three planets (in this case by the Moon, Neptune and Jupiter). The planets corresponding to the water sign (Neptune) and the earth sign (Moon) are analyzed. Thus one is the lower sextile semi and the other the upper sextile. The lower corresponds to the moon in Taurus, while the higher corresponds to Neptune in Pisces. These aim at communication and the generation of awareness.
This Neptune in Pisces is the one that will allow us to activate resources that were not consciously considered, since they belong to our unconscious part and allow us to generate projects with a much more spiritual or altruistic purpose. This Moon in Semi sextile with Neptune will guide you towards a space linked and inspired by your project. This will give you points of view that you have not considered before and will allow you to guide your energy in the right direction.
On the other hand, it is important to talk about another aspect known as Quadrature. Usually, the squares, are linked with blockages or tensions. A quadrature, is the formation of a 90 degree angle between three planets. In this case, they are Mercury, Pluto and Jupiter. These are a warning that we should be more responsible and careful about how we communicate our opinions. Based on this, I recommend that you take advantage of the semi sextile and do not fall into this square that distances you from the spiritual. It takes both the earthly and the emotional to continue or generate a project.

tauro-taurus-toro luna nueva en tauro

How to take advantage of the new moon in Taurus 2017

The best way to take advantage of this new moon is to be able to decree or ask for seven earthly desires. In order to achieve this, it is important to understand how you ask the universe for what you need. For example, many of us say “I want to have a job that I like”, when in fact, we have to decree it saying “I have a job that I like”. The difference is that I am asking from projection in the present moment and not in a desire, whose moment of appearance is uncertain. So when we write down our seven desires, we will have to write them down in the right way and visualize what we are decreeing.
I recommend doing this spiritual process, when you are completely alone and in silence, since to decree and visualize are two extremely important actions. Many people, help themselves from what is known as “vision board”, where we place images on a board of what we want in the present moment. For example, if I want to have a house, I have to look for the image of a house that I like a lot (that represents my desire) and underneath it put “I have the house of my dreams”.
You can do what you want, although on this date it is advisable to put together a list of seven desires and then burn them with a white candle to send the message to the universe. It is important that you pay attention to the way the paper is consumed, whether it is fast or slow, whether the paper is twisted or not, etc. Remember that the new moon in Taurus will only serve your earthly desires, materials.

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