New Moon in Cancer 2017, how will it affect us?

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New Moon in Cancer 2017, how will it affect us?

The Moon, is in the house of HER sign, Cancer. Remember that the moon corresponds to our deep emotions, our sense of belonging, maternal energy and, it is related to the occult and the unconscious. On this day, we will have the energy of the new moon in cancer 2017. This symbolizes the beginning of a cycle, so we will be at the beginning of a process of transformation. That is why it is said that it is important not to make drastic decisions on this date or to assume some type of position or responsibility. It is a good time to meditate and take things slowly.  It is also not advisable to discuss. On this date, we will not only have the energy of the moon in cancer, but also the Sun, Mercury and Mars in the house of the crab.

New Moon in Cancer 2017:

This new moon will make us much more sensitive and emotional in the environment where we develop. It is important to recognize that on this date we will have many mood swings and we will be thinking about leaving behind unnecessary emotions. It is important to take advantage of it to recycle what we feel, leaving behind all that unnecessary. In turn, we will feel a strong family bond. Let’s reconsider about our relationship with our parents and brothers or sisters. On the other hand, we will also think about marriage and the commitment established with our partner. So, for this date, the key is to think about the emotional bonds that we share with others.

You must ask yourself, what feelings are preventing me from moving forward in my relationships? Are the relationships I have established positive? Am I valued and I value those I love? Am I with the others considering that I should always put myself first? Do I put the needs of another first? How is my relationship with my family? Is there any karmic bond that I should heal?


Planets in Cancer during the New Moon:

On this date, we not only have the moon, but also the Sun, Mercury and Mars.
The Sun in Cancer, along with the Moon, will turn us more crabs than ever. We will adopt a much more sensitive and homey attitude. We will be externalizing our sensitivity and our emotional needs. It is important to keep in mind that we are the only ones who know what we need to be happy. Keep in mind that a serious problem for all those who are of the sign Cancer is that, if they feel bad, they expect others to realize and they get offended if you don’t see that they feel upset or sad. They usually wait for the other to react instead of communicating what happens.

Mercury, will make our emotions linked to our thoughts. You have to be careful with this, since the mind is usually tricky and makes us eat up our heads for situations or actions that in the end are not so relevant in our life. It is common for painful memories to come to mind. You have to keep in mind that we have to live in the present moment, and not bring to the surface situations that have already been overcome. Mercury in Cancer will also make it a difficult day to study, so for all those who have an exam, take it easy on this date.
Mars in Cancer is not a good position. We have the planet of struggle in a sensitive and profound sign. Mars will make it difficult to communicate directly about what we feel. Remember that hints don’t help anyone and the only thing they generate is confusion and resentment. You can’t judge someone by not understanding what you feel if you don’t communicate it in the right way. This means that Mars in Cancer, will not make us externalize our aggression or anger, but it can consume us inside.


Aspects of the New Moon in Cancer 2017:

The aspects are the angular relationships between the planets, in this opportunity; we will see some of those related to the planets in Cancer.

Sun Conjunction Mercury:
In this case, the ego is linked with thoughts. We will have to be careful with this, since our reality is not what we think. On the other hand, our communication will be the tool to transmit knowledge. Fortunately, the Moon in Cancer can help us to decrease this need to communicate our ego instead of our emotions.

Moon Conjunction Mercury:
This conjunction is what makes our emotions and thoughts be criss-crossed. This makes us think a lot about what we feel instead of acting based on them. It will create confusion in our actions. We may have late reactions because of this constant thought.

Moon Sextile Venus:
This is an excellent combination as we are uniting the sensitive Moon with the planet of love. It favors the harmony of feelings. This aspect will help us to balance the conjunction between the Moon, the Sun and Mercury seen before. It will give us the possibility to express affection and communicate our true emotions.

Moon Conjunction Mars:
This is not a good position, as we are uniting the world of war with the emotional world. The Moon and Mars can’t mix energetically, and so generating emotional tensions. On this day, be careful of tensions and conflicts that may arise. We will have to be patient and learn to take care of our reactions.

Moon Opposition Pluto:
This opposition tells us that we have to be careful about letting ourselves be guided by negative emotions. This opposition tells us that this day we can experience a drastic change in our emotions. Remember that Pluto is the planet that regenerates and transmutes energies. On the other hand, it can help us connect with our deepest and most hidden emotions. It is important to see our darkness as much as our light.

Mercury Conjunction Mars:
Our mind will be in constant activity. We will have much energy and predisposition for discussions. The power of the word will be the great winner in this aspect. So we will have to be careful to start arguments because yes. The mind will be the main tool of this aspect. Even so, remember, our thoughts are not everything.

Mars Trine Neptune:
This aspect will make us connect with our deep sexuality. It is important to recognize the true meaning of our relationships because normally, this aspect makes us inclined to be with another person for an interest. An example, are those people who are with someone not to be alone. Remember that if a relationship is formed out of a need, it will end when that need is fulfilled.

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