Positive Words for 2018

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Positive Words for 2018 - Mystic Attitude


This year is a Cardinal year, a hinge year. In what is at stake is really the way in which all the changes that were taking place in the last 6 years will materialize. New technologies and social networks have made available to many people a quantity of information previously monopolized by the hegemonic media. Also much of the ancestral spiritual knowledge is within the reach of Western man thanks to the globalization that reached areas previously closed by a halo of mystery and solemnity. Many of the technological advances of recent years, initially oriented to war (Uranus in Aries), today are part of our daily lives. From August 21, 2017, what is at stake is the human capacity to integrate this knowledge and skills into a new way that works, since the current structures are crumbling under their own weight.


The year 2018 begins with a large stellium in Capricorn, the last sign of Earth, Cardinal: Saturn, Venus, Pluto and on January 12 is added Mercury.

As Saturn enters your sign, Capricorn, this energy will intensify greatly. It is the planet of responsibility, the structures, the rules, the duty to be. It governs time and the law of Karma. It has a cycle of approximately 28 years in which it accompanies in human life, the main moments of structuring: in its fourth quarter the dentition and the entrance to the first institution that shapes and limits us: the school. At 14 the admission to adolescence where new rules and social guidelines we face with our families, in turn that our body changes radically. At the age of 21, our adolescence ended, and our body is almost fully developed. At the same time, the need to direct our energy to a new institution that shapes our desire: The University. In the next 7 years Saturn will complete a return on himself in which at 28 or 29 years perhaps with a couple of battles, relationships and projects above, he will say: What have I done? What have I achieved? Do I feel identified with this life project, or am I working for someone else’s projects? An other, or a me that I am not truly.

Saturn is implacable, who does not make the passes with him, will never be subordinated to the social mandate, but neither to his own laws and objectives. Saturn governs the father, and also the Great Father, the State, The Church, or any institution that agglutinates, legislates and orders a group of people. Whoever manages to neglect Saturn in his natal chart manages to mature the most impulsive and infantile aspects. He manages to make the passes with his own father, with his Super-Me, with what others expect from one (or what one thinks they want). Learning to deal with Saturn is fundamental, because the years do not automatically bring maturity, you can be a great and capricious 40 year old with a lot of employees at your command, who will actually be responding to the childish deficiencies of a bad Saturn resolved. The world is full of adults who have not yet assumed their role and try to continue living with a great Mother who will protect them at all costs, regardless of the mistakes they make. This is why Capricorn is an extremely spiritual sign, because it is about taking charge of oneself, climbing the mountain of our greatest fears and challenges, but returning, to tell what we saw.

It also governs: old age, authorities, order, maturity, work, status quo, structure, limits, laws, scarcity, austerity, support, effectiveness.


At the same time it will be a very significant year for Aries, Libra and Cancer, its cardinal brothers. Cardinal means action, but it will also be a year to manifest, and go down to earth: Uranus entering Taurus on May 15 (it takes 84 years to go around) speaks of the revolution in the field of materiality. Uranus also rules revolutions and rebellions. He asks us how and why is income divided in our society. He asks us about the changes we want to make in our work, in our currency, in our diet, our relationship with the Earth. During this year Saturn trines with Uranus, it will be a strategic alliance for a radical change in the structures.

Jupiter in Scorpio will not give up, bringing out the worst to clean it. Highlighting the true purposes and meaning of our actions and their consequences. Noting the spurious interests that reign in the pillars of our society.

In turn Kirón goes from Pisces to Aries, making us not only feel the collective wound, but act on it.

Conclusion: 2018 asks: What will you do with everything you know? How will you incorporate everything you question into your daily life? What are the structures and norms that govern you and which do not? What are the things that we can no longer sustain? What is the world you want to build? When we start?

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