Lunar Eclipse of August 7: How will it affect the signs?

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Lunar Eclipse of August 7: How will it affect the signs?


On Monday 7, we will have full moon in Aquarius and will be the partial lunar eclipse. The schedule and visibility will depend directly on the location in which you are. This eclipse will generate a direct change in how we see and live our relationships. There is a misperception about the sign Aquarius and his vision of love. Many astrologers categorize it as cold or lacking in feelings, when in reality, they are people who live their relationships without conditions or ties. I understand that for a sign with a lot of emotional dependence this may be difficult to understand. It will also be difficult for those people with structured and fixed ideas. This is when custom breaks and force us to get out of it in order to grow. How many of us are doing something out of habit? Whether it be a relationship or a job, it will be time to say goodbye and live something different that will allow us to be truly spiritually happy.

Even so, keep in mind that this is a process. This eclipse will give us the initial impulse, but you will have to accompany its strength. In relationships, it will allow you to grow with the other and accept the changes necessary for the bond to thrive. You will learn to be freer, to release insecurities and conditionings as transmitted by Aquarius and its energy.


The eclipse will promote something very typical of your Aryan spirit: your entrepreneurial faculties are activated. If you have a project between eyebrow and eyebrow, it is time to work on it. Keep in mind that as your circle of work changes, the same will happen with your friendships and contacts. You will be working in a new environment, with new possibilities and human capital. I understand that many times these changes generate internal anguish, but do not fear, since everything you lose is always for a good reason. Remember that your vibrational change generates inevitable changes in the environment.


This eclipse brings you the power of clarification. If you have not yet found your vocation or venture to work, a lamp inside you will light up. This astrological moment will give you the opportunity to discover what you came to do. This is very important for you as someone from Taurus since work is key in your daily stability. On the other hand, this eclipse will ask for something very characteristic of your sign: financial order. This organization in your finances and in your professional life will be the basis for a balanced social life. The better you balance these issues, the more free time you can devote to the people you love. You will feel a desire to be in touch with your family, so put your accounts in order and enjoy the company you want.


This eclipse pushes you to do one of your favorite activities: learn. Gemini is the sign that you need learning to live because your curiosity is immense. It’s time to take that course that interested you so much, that research trip or that professional training that you were longing for. You can also teach what you know. You are in a facet of learning and transmission of knowledge. On the other hand, this eclipse impels us all to make a cut with the past. So if during the month of July you were with bitter memories (whether of an ex or a sad moment), you will be able to release it.  



The moon is your ruling planet and therefore, this eclipse, will affect your emotions. Even so, do not fear! For it will generate a positive effect, an inner liberation. Your true self will come to light and with this, an internal and external independence invades your spirit. You will say goodbye to all those emotional dependencies and people that do not matter in your life. This is the eclipse that will help you put your energy where you really need it: in you.



This lunar eclipse will generate revelations in the relationship. For those who are in a stable relationship, it is likely to move on to the next level (living together, having a child, formalizing or engaging). But, for those who are living in an unstable situation, this relationship will have a cut. It will be good to get rid of the link that does not work.

Many times, we stay in a relationship for the belief that we can recover the last moment thinking: “ah! It was that he was so cute in the past, if I make an effort he will surely treat me in the same way, like the first months we were so in love”. This thought is a mistake, rooted in the past. You are not responsible for the person being completely unmotivated, there was a lack of communication on both sides regarding what happened. You just cannot hold a relationship of two, so let go. That way will give the place to appear the right person and you will come out with the teaching of: communicate what happens to me at the moment.  



This eclipse drives a radical change in your lifestyle. You, this being so methodical and organized adapts a new order (a better one). Your routine, work space, contacts and friendships change for the better since the eclipse impacts your sixth house. Also, the power of this phenomenon will impact on Mars. This is how an energy appears that forces you to transform yourself. You will have a combo spice that will take you to transmute the way you live your day to day. Surely this also has an impact on your partner, who will have to change the way he handles his finances, especially if he wants to stay with you.



This lunar eclipse causes us to break the mold of superficiality and with this, the bonds of this nature are ended. This will happen very naturally, since you will be immersed in the appearance of new projects that will make you be very attentive. Keep in mind that no matter how you plan and get ahead of events, there are issues that go beyond your control and you have to learn to flow with them instead of resisting. On the other hand, this eclipse impacts on Mars. Mars is your love planet so surely your relationship is put to the test. You may both take out the cloths in the sun and although this seems to be synonymous with conflict (something you always try to avoid), it will be your opportunity to deal with these matters in the right way: by talking openly.



This is a time of changes in your conception of home and family. Where you are currently standing, it no longer has the same meaning. This happens because the eclipse affects your fourth house corresponding to that energy. It is a good opportunity to establish peace in the home. Surely there are many confusions, things that are not spoken and need to come to light. In that way, you can overcome what happens as a family and not as individuals. Think of your family as the first contact, the first teaching of what it means to relate and to live with others. It is to accept others for what they are and to love virtues and defects unconditionally.  



It will be a good time to learn about the law of attraction since this eclipse will help you work on your mental plane. You must understand that it is your thoughts that build the reality that you live. It is time to leave behind old patterns and thus, your reality will change. I understand that you want a change and this desire has been brewing since the beginning of this year. To receive change you have to work on it and not just wait for it. Become aware of your thoughts, discover your patterns and remove them. Let go of what does not work to give space to what truly corresponds to you.

I tell you all this because as the eclipse happens in your house 3, clearly you will have to work in communication. I speak not only of communication with yourself, but also of how you convey what you think and feel towards others. Remember that disagreements or confusion come from ineffective transmission. It’s a good time to ask yourself why I do not get the feedback I expect?



This eclipse affects directly in your area of finance since it happens in your money house. These changes will give you an openness and redirection of awareness in how you handle this aspect. For those who depend on others to survive, the desire to become independent will arise. It is important to change the head and with this, I recommend you work on a decree of abundance. Find a decree that works for you and repeat it for the entire month. This will help you work with the fictional limitations that are created in your mind. You are capable, you have everything to be able to redefine yourself financially and that works out well. On the other hand, you will also have to have more patience with your loved ones, be it family or the couple, the eclipse will affect you emotionally and you will have to be there to give your love and patience.



The eclipse prompts you to show “your true self” and with that, your “past self” dies. This represents an energetic transmutation, where your vibration changes and, consequently, there are changes in the bonds. You say goodbye to those relationships that do not work. Think that the eclipse happens in your sign and therefore there is an inner redefinition that will be inevitable in you. This makes me agree to the card number XIII of the tarot. Many tarotists treat this card as “death”, but the reality is that it is the unnamed arcane. You are in a state tied to the energy of this great arcane. I recommend you investigate a little about it so that you realize that its appearance is based on generating an inevitable cut of the unnecessary.

The metamorphosis will occur in all aspects of your life, in some cases, these changes will be given alone, without you have sought them. Keep in mind that in this process will appear all those limitations and fears that have prevented you from making this great step in your life. You may have to recognize them and face them. You must let them go, be brave and so, assume this beautiful moment that awaits you.



The eclipse generates a profound spiritual change. You will be walking like the tarot hermit, with the light of the superior knowledge in your hands. He does not know where he is going, but he knows that wisdom illuminates his path. It is time to find yourself in another spiritual dimension. You may change guru or religious practice, but believe me, this change will be for the better. You have a lot of intuition, imagination and ideas that often cost you to land. It will be a good time to work on communicating your wisdom. On the other hand, there may be changes in the labor market. You change jobs, move you to another area or work with new people. No matter what comes up, you will be able to adapt to the circumstances and between these changes, you will learn to handle better financially.  

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