Full Moon in Sagittarius 2017: How will it affect us?

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On June 9th we will have full moon in Sagittarius 2017. The Moon is the natural satellite of the earth that connects us with our emotions. It is the aspect related to our emotional and maternal energy. On this day, your energy will be influencing Sagittarius. Remember that every full moon represents a closure in front of what the new moon has generated as an opening. So everything that gave us the New Moon of Gemini of May 25, will close its cycle this June 6 This end of cycle, will be full of positive energy, liberal and independent, typical of the Sagittarian spirit.

Aspects where the Full Moon in Sagittarius 2017 influences:

The full Moon in Sagittarius is the one that will give us the necessary mental opening to integrate in us everything that we perceive as external or distant. It forces us to lift our heads and see beyond our individual existence in order to connect with our surroundings. It is time to leave our comfort zone and take advantage of this optimistic impulse that allows us to get rid of the routine, in order to activate our adventurous and creative spirit.

This moon is the one that will impel us to an inner and outer journey in order to be able to know ourselves from a much broader perspective. It favors the integration of our microcosm into the macrocosm. It is a day to value and integrate in us the opinions of others. In turn, it helps to break down those fears and inhibitions that were holding us back. Although Sagittarians are also known to worship festivals and excesses, so you’ll have to be careful in this regard.

The planetary aspects in this date also influence us so that we can free ourselves from many of our structures. Remember that aspects are the angular relationships between the planets and these, depend many factors on our behavior. The objective is to be able to value ourselves more, let our personality out without taking into account the conditionings of society.

In this 2017, the planets are helping us to release. To leave behind people who do not correspond with our vibration and to believe in love from our true being. Love is not a marriage and a family, and this is one of the most important mental structures that are breaking. We are discovering the true love and the importance of this when it comes to choosing a couple. We can no longer lie to each other, and it is good that you recognize in yourself that you need a relationship that enriches you. You recognize that everything that was imposed is not necessarily what makes us happy.

luna-llena-en-sagitario-2017 - full moon in sagittarius 2017

Some planetary aspects of June 6, 2017:

Next, we will see the planetary aspects related to the Moon and Saturn, taking into account that, on this date, both are in the house of Sagittarius. Even so, you have to keep in mind that there are other planets influencing other things.

Sun Opposition Moon:

Sagittarius is the sign that gives us all this energy of freedom. But, this full moon is in opposition with the Sun. The energy of this aspect is the one that forces us to generate elections against internal doubts. It externalizes everything that we brake or repress in order to be able to give a clear resolution and thus move forward. Part of the choices that this opposition helps us to externalize are our fears of the past. It makes us wonder. Am I repeating patterns? Do my past relationships influence what I have at the moment? What am I afraid of and why? In addition to these issues, let us remember that the Sun continues in Gemini and that will cause us to verbally express what is happening to us.

Sun Opposition Saturn:

This opposition gives us the need to leave our comfort zone to develop security in ourselves. It is the moment to externalize our personality and to get connected with the others. On the other hand, this opposition makes us work on the value we give ourselves. It is important for us to recognize that we are worthy of good things and that we should not feel guilty when we are happy.

Moon Conjunction Saturn:

This aspect is what forces us to mature and not to fall into the thought that there is a life where we have everything assured. Many times, the path to a traditional life is not the one we truly need, but we choose it because we feel safe in it. On the other hand, this conjunction often makes people are disciplined and extremely hardworking. It is important to be able to go beyond what we believe to be safe, normal or correct, especially if these concepts were imposed on us and not discovered by our own experience. Remember that “normality” is an illusion, since you can never be the same your normality compared to that of another human being.

Moon Trine Uranus:

This aspect generates freedom of conscience. Our emotions begin to externalize, and with them, the desire to live without structures or conditioning. The need arises to create our own way in life, without the need for our choices to be approved by others. There is a struggle between what our parents want for us and what we want for our person.

Saturn Trine Uranus:

Here opposing forces collide. While Saturn represents discipline, duty and order, Uranus, it breaks structures and patterns, generating a spiritual opening that exposes our true self. This allows our true talents to come to light. This is how we strengthen self-confidence and take advantage of Uranus to see beyond the satisfaction of our earthly needs. I understand that discipline is important for you, and no one denies that it is necessary, but as Picasso says: “Learn the rules as a professional, to be able to break them as an artist.” By this I mean that the rules that Saturn generates, are also to be broken, in order to create something new.

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