sidebar_virgoPlanet: Mercury
Element: Earth
Stone: Pink Jasper. Carnalian Ágate. Topaz
Metal: Níckel
Color: White
Numbers: 3, 5
Day: Wednesday
Compatible signs: Taurus, Scorpio, Pisces
Sin: Avarice


How is Virgo?

Observes everything. Always attentive to details. Organized. It is not moldable. It fits easily. Hard to yourself. It is closed-minded. You like to take care of your health. Flirtatious. Perfectionist. Laborious. Rational, critical thinking. You do not give up easily. Too much curious. Materialistic. Of good manners. Gossip. Withdrawn. Stubborn.


People whose birth dates are between August 23 and September 22 will have as sign Virgo, the sixth sign of the zodiac. They tend to channel their energy towards the rational, logical and analytical.


Virgins will tend to analyze and classify all possible situations in a controlled way and to stay away from any unreal fantasy. They will never be seen fantasizing impossible things, on the contrary, they need to be with their feet on the ground.


Virgo is prudent and thoughtful when choosing a partner. They usually move in environments similar to theirs, so their partner should lead a life quite similar to theirs. He likes to bond long term with people who appreciate. They specialize in women’s eroticism. They have a lot of intuition to detect what their partner likes. In love they are very generous and care about giving pleasure. They are stimulated with provocative lingerie. They are very much in love. When they find who to love, they give everything for that person.

They are quite emotionally closed and do not tend to show their feelings. Virgo can give the maximum of himself. His seriousness, control over himself and his cold blood help him to do everything as planned by him; nothing escapes them, leaves nothing to chance, and in general their good organization and impeccable methodology are highly valued by the people who surround them. The people born under this sign are a great help in managing expenses and maintaining order. Although they do not have the necessary push to get a company going.

Money and work

It is a sign that is characterized by being excessively perfectionist, likes to make things well done, that is, they are made according to their judgment of accuracy and neatness.

Their constancy and continuous improvement in that sense are worthy of praise. However they must learn to respect the decisions and the different ways of acting of the others. You have to keep in mind that each one can have different ways when facing any subject. When things do not develop as he believes they should be done, he tends to be openly critical and meticulous in excess.

They should be careful about spending compulsively, their love for shopping can sometimes put their card in red.


They often suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. Virgo rules the intestines so they are alike to have gastritis, appendicitis or even hernias. They should maintain a balanced diet.