Night: what is the night? There is where the hidden, the secrets, the unconscious and the moon unfold. This natural satellite represents the maternal spirit and all its virtues.


  • The Moon is directly linked to the cycles of all living things and tides. In the card we can see that it is in increasing phase and allows us to see a side face. The color allows us to see that a part of it is kept hidden.
  • On the other hand, around the moon we see the receptive drops. These illustrate how our natural satellite absorbs sunlight.
  • Regarding color, blue predominates. This color is found both in the sky and in the deep waters of the tarot card. It represents the divine and the hidden.
  • On the ground, we see two animals facing each other. They can be considered wolves or dogs. Their looks are in the direction of the moon and so they communicate with it. Both wild animals can be brothers or sisters, mother and son or even we can be in the presence of a confrontation.
  • In the water we can see a crustacean that rose from the depths to witness the moon. Its body is directed towards it.
  • We see that the card is divided between the sky, the earth and the water together with the elements that compose it.

In front of our consultant

This card tells us about our relationship with our mother; in principle because the Moon is directly linked to the maternal and female figure. According to the card that appears to his side we will be able to define the root of the subject. They may be fears in relationships because of the relationship with the mother. On the other hand they can talk about issues of the unconscious as fears or about our intuitive ability.

In its inverted position it speaks about situations of the past that are affecting us internally. It could have been some trauma, an accident or a time limit. It can also refer to questions of the sexuality of the consultant. Problems with the mother from the gestation. Remember that the process of nine months of pregnancy determines much of the personality and energy of the person. On the other hand it can talk about depression or addictions.


We are in front of number 18. Like the Moon, this number has a great emotional load. It pushes us to face what we do not want to see and with the difficulties that present us in life. It is important to take care of yourself bodily and emotionally.

To Conclude

The light of The Moon, that maternal illumination is vital in our lives. Our inner world, hidden within us, offers us an ocean of secrets.

When one reaches the depths of itself and confronts those memories and thoughts, there is nothing left but to come to the surface. That way, we can look again at the moon and just wait for the sun to rise.