Monthly Horoscope | Cancer

How will Cancer be in the month of February?


There is much up there happening in your area of ​​couples, as I told you, so it seems ideal to take this little thought. The alignments that are occurring at this time with your seventh house indicate a beginning that occurs after a serious conversation about individual and joint goals. If at this moment you are in a couple this represents a new beginning. Understand that conscious relationships have come to us to show us what we are, they can transform us and this transformation often involves the change of perspective that leads the other person to change as well.

However, there will be no alignment that can help you if you are not in a proactive state and do the work you know you have to do to go for what you want. Dedicate yourself to work the certainty of deserving, because you deserve everything that you allow yourself to create.

And in relation to relationships, whoever is by your side should understand you and be a positive influence for you. At the same time it should give you space so that you can go through all those changes that have been brewing, have patience and understand your emotions, those that make you so special.

The more you accept yourself, the more you will be able to understand the others and the easier and more fluid will be the path to love. You have a lot to give, do not waste it, let it go and let yourself enjoy it.


Uranus has been in Aries since 2011 in your area of long-term goals, profession and personal fulfillment. You must have felt how this teacher was teaching you about these issues. This has led you to think about the possibility of venturing into something that can destabilize your routine. It is not an easy decision, but you know that it is necessary.

If you find yourself in a reality in which you see that there is no growth, I will advise you to give yourself the great opportunity to create something new. Think of your life as a blank page, in which you can design to your liking and plan what you want to live.

At this point, you are very clear that continuing on autopilot is no longer an option. Growth will occur, no matter how slow. Dare with small but firm steps. This will be a very good opportunity to prove to yourself how brave you are when you propose something.



Saturn is in Capricorn and will remain in your seventh house for two and a half years. This continues to have a great impact on the rigid areas of the body, such as bones, joints, teeth, among others. Your health continues to be a priority, get used to getting medical checkups to be up to date.

On the other hand, it is important that you try some sport or exercise that relaxes you, such as swimming. Some discipline free of pressures and know that it is your time of day to discharge the pressure that Saturn makes in your chart.

As for food, try to consume more calcium, dairy products can be a good option. Do not forget to consult this previously with your doctor.

Valentine’s Day Special

The sign that complements you is Capricorn. I know that they are very different energies, but it is precisely this that turns them into complementary signs. While not always the person you are interested in will be of this sign, you have to take into account their qualities for the love encounter.

Capricorn is a Cardinal sign of earth, that is to say, he works hard to reach his goals and has a huge will power. It is a devastating energy. Capricornians enjoy the luxuries, this can clash with your sweet and protective nature but understand that they are two sides of the same coin.

A good walk and a dinner can be the ideal plan for you to share on this day, combining both energies, take the opportunity to relax and enjoy good company.