New Moon in Libra 20/09. How will it affect us?

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New Moon in Libra - Mystic Attitude


After the eclipse month, September is about organizing and planning all the changes we want to establish. We are in a process of construction and manifestation of our desires. For this, we got helped by Leo and Virgo’s energy. At this time, we will have as an ally the sign Libra. Recall that Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac, whose sign in opposition is Aries. This is the sign of love and relationships.

Each lunar phase influences us in different ways. In this case, the new moon indicates the beginning of a new cycle, an opening, in which, we are entering a process of transformation. As we begin in the energy of this moon, it is important to keep in mind that we should not make drastic decisions or assume positions or responsibilities. It is important to take the beginnings calmly and take advantage to reflect on the results of eclipses.

Effects of the New Moon on Libra:

Moons govern processes. The new moon is the beginning of a process of transformation or creation. At this moment, the moon is in Libra, the sign of balance, love, beauty and justice. It invites us to take an interest in others from a much more spiritual point of view. The energy of the Sun and the Moon are in a state of harmony, which helps us to continue working with all that generated last month’s eclipses, to integrate interest for the other and, above all, to balance the mind and the spirit in decision making. Another positive issue is that since Mercury has left its retrograde movement since the 5th of this month, we have been able to open ourselves internally. We were very withdrawn, thinking and mental during August, but, since Mercury resumed its direct movement, we can be much more open and communicate what we need to continue advancing with our inner and outer needs. Let’s not forget that the moon passed through Virgo, a sign of service, which teaches us the importance of helping and connecting with others without expecting anything in return.

All this planetary combo, helps us to continue with the changes we need. Even so, remember: changes do not happen overnight, and for something to happen, you need the gestation of other issues. For example, if my desire is to “meet someone,” first I have to leave behind my last relationship or relationships, and of course, release this desire because forcing it is not generated (among many other things). If one accomplishes all this, then one is going to give an empty space that can be occupied by a new vibration. Even so, with this empty space surely, there are other issues to work on. On the day of the new moon, an energy is available that is at our disposal to work the area that corresponds to each according to its new moon in its natal chart. So do not hesitate to check your transits to verify where you have to put your attention.

Relevant astrological aspects of the day of the date:

Not only do we have the Moon in Libra, but also Jupiter that will stay here until October 2017. This planet is known to be the great benefactor and protector, and seeks to give us the energy to take the new and expand our horizons. Remember that the Greek God who represents Jupiter is Zeus, god of the gods. From the positive, it brings an energy whose goal is that we set ourselves in search of novelty and change. It combines the expansion of Jupiter with the opening of the new moon. There is much recreation and desire to go beyond the limits. Internally, there is a need to modify our personal vision and we feel that the only way to achieve this is to expand our horizons. The everyday is not enough to learn new things and therefore, when experiencing different situations we will grow internally. It is probable that from the desire to live the different, you will cut with several issues that do not do you good as for example a relationship that was affecting you negatively. Jupiter is what drives you to make this decision for the better so that you can live a more rewarding experience.

We are going to feel a need for freedom on this new moon. Jupiter is a planet that makes us feel that limits do not exist and usually contemplate everything from above. Therefore, I recommend reading the following sentence: “when you are in the details, the big thing, take care of yourself”. This means that although the vibration of this planet invites us to see “the big”, many times, we lose the importance of the details, and that, thanks to these, avoid many mistakes. On the other hand, erroneous or exaggerated judgments may arise, so you will have to be careful with this question since you can end up in a conflict created by personal assumptions and not by what reality shows. As an example, I can give you the famous “mental discussions” where one believes that a conflict is approaching and begins to imagine conflicting situations with respect to it. When in reality, nothing is happening and surely, that “conflict” created by your mind in relation to the future, is not even being generated.

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