How to harness the energy of the equinox of 22/09?

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How to harness the energy of the equinox of 22/09? - Mystic Attitude


The equinox means the equality / equality between the duration of the day and the night. This event happens during the month of March and during the month of September thus marking the change of season.

We celebrate the cosmic year on the 20th or 21st of March. In the southern hemisphere, we celebrated the arrival of autumn (autumnal equinox) while, in the northern hemisphere, the arrival of spring (spring equinox) was celebrated. This time, the movement of the Sun passes from south to north in relation to the equatorial plane and its decline goes from negative to positive.

Again, this phenomenon is repeated on September 22, when the Sun is at the first point of Libra. On this occasion, the southern hemisphere celebrates the arrival of spring (spring equinox) and northern hemisphere of autumn (autumnal equinox). The movement of the Sun, unlike the one described above, passes from north to south in relation to the equatorial plane and its decline goes from positive to negative.

Methods to harness the power of the change of station:

Every change of season makes us celebrate different events. For those of us who are going to experience this phenomenon in the southern hemisphere, we celebrate life, fertility and the connection with nature. We must learn based on the element air and its ability to be light and flow with life itself. While, for those in the northern hemisphere, they will celebrate the harvest and thanksgiving festivities. They should learn about the importance of reflection, patience and transformation. Each season illustrates the energy and process we have to take in our experiences.

The best way to take the energy of this equinox is to be able to place ourselves in energy centers. Most of these are found in Mexico, for example, the Kukulcan Temple. In this place you will experience an incomparable cosmic experience, as you can see how a great snake body is drawn on the walls of the temple. Visualizing thus the Feathered Serpent God. There is also a celebration in the temple of Quetzalpapalotl, in Teotihuacan, city of the Gods. In a hot air balloon we can visualize the temple of the sun and the temple of the moon, along with a game of lights and shadows and thus get in touch with the star and its energy. There are many other places to receive the energy of this event. The most popular are in Mexico for the energy field you have, but I still recommend you find the ideal site in your country or the one you feel. For example, in the case of Chile, making a weekend trip to Los Andes would be ideal. For Peru, touring Machu Pichu, will provide a great energy vibration that corresponds to the sacred site. Also Lake Titicaca, between the borders of Bolivia and Peru. It has a very deep magnetism and energy. While, in the case of Argentina, I recommend going to Uritorco Hill. For many Argentines, this site has left them a very special energy and experience when coming into contact with beings from the city of the Erks.  

If you do not have the opportunity to travel, the best way to take advantage of the good vibes is to dress in white garments as predominant color and be as close to nature as possible. If you have the opportunity to go to a nearby forest or field, do it! You have to connect with nature and be aware of it.

Incenses for the energy of the spring equinox:

On this special day, we can take the Wiccan culture, the power animal, the rabbit or the hare. These animals represent fertility, prudence, movement, humility and sensitivity. They invite us to put aside our fears and listen to the voice of our higher self that is within us. If during this date you felt in connection with this power animal, then it is an incredible sign for you.

During this day I recommend:

  • Do not consume animal flesh.
  • Dress preferably in white.
  • Resting on grass or land.
  • Visit a high place: as we mentioned before there are many tourist sites that are energy centers.
  • Thank Goddess Ostara, Goddess of Fertility. If you do not feel sympathy for this goddess then simply thank your God and your higher self.
  • Free the energies of the home: for this we simply open the windows and light an incense or incense. It can be benzoin, roses, jasmine or any flower with which you feel identified. You can also put coarse salt in a glass with vinegar (both equal amounts) and position it in a room of your house that you feel needs more release of energy. Leave it for 7-10 days.
  • Work on the garden.  

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