How each sign of the zodiac lies?

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For some reason in life we must resort to lies from time to time; but, one has to be cunning not to be discovered; every sign of the zodiac has a particular way of lying, how can every sign lie? Find out in the following lines.


He lies but does not know how to do it. He is an inexperienced liar. He forgets what he says or promises and as he does not remember what was said he is discovered, in short, Aries does not know how to lie.


They lie and believe it, like actors. In fact, when they lie they fantasize until they believe their own lies. At work is to be feared, since as they like to work less, can come to invent any excuse.


He lies to seduce anyone he likes. It invents or exaggerates any virtue of its own in order to achieve its goal. Be very careful with the lies of a Gemini.


It is typical to hear him lie about his health, as long as not to look bad with others it is able to invent any disease to succeed.


Photo credit: Lindsey Elizabeth Martin’s Photography via / CC BY-NC-ND


This sign knows how to lie, has some histrionic abilities that anyone would want. It is very unlikely that they’ll be caught in the lie.


If there is a word that defines the lies of this sign, without doubt is the cunning, because it has one that is able to wrap anyone with lies.


It is a sign that he finds it difficult to lie, he prefers always to walk with the truth, but if he has no alternatives, he will lie; always looking for ways to not affect. In a few words, they are very subtle to lie.


They are those who lie because they are practical, because they have something very particular, do not like to hide things. They prefer to say everything as it is.


Photo credit: Joerg Schreier via VisualHunt / CC BY


Our Sagittarius friends often resort to lies just to be part, to get the attention of those around them.


They are those who do not believe even in their own shadow, so they prefer to lie to find out if they are been played dirty. They know how to lie and never be caught, in fact they are to be feared.


They have incredible power of underestimation, so they live by inventing stories to achieve acceptance of others. You will never realize that they are lying.


They are able to appeal to lies to defend themselves or to defend someone they want very much; therefore their lies are justified.

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