How do your children learn according to their sign? Find out here!

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How do your children learn according to their sign? - Mystic Attitude


In this 21st century, we will have to incorporate the new technologies into the classical teaching methods. This will be a long and necessary process for our children to learn motivated. Remember that, regardless of the subject matter, a teacher who knows how to motivate his students will always be much more successful than one who does not know how to stimulate them mentally. Even so, intellectual stimulation in the home is important, and as such, we will see how the children of each sign incorporate knowledge. This is for all those parents who wonder why my son does not study? Why are not you interested in learning? It is a question of the method of learning and not of the content itself. If you want to have more astrological information about your child, I recommend you take a natal chart with a professional. That way you can analyze not only its sun sign, but also its ascending moon and planets in house 3 and 9 (linked to this question).


If you have an Aries child, you will need to know that they have a lot of mental speed. They can learn a topic in a matter of hours while, in the case of another sign, they will need more time and alternative ways of learning. It has a very fast mind and so the best way to learn a topic is that you and he can discuss it. In turn, it will be good that the tasks you give them bring some sort of challenge. They love challenges and get better day by day, so do not hesitate to take advantage of their mental speed and intellectual ability.


They are people who have a slow process in the making of decisions and for that reason; in the learning they need practicality. It would be good to combine classic methods with tree schemes or another type of scheme where the information is clear and easy to understand. These practical methods help the child to incorporate key concepts and then go deeper into them. Remember that if they have an idea about something they will defend it until the end. This is important for you to work the way you contradict your child if he is wrong. Sometimes it is preferable to point out the right path and the reason why that path is the right one, instead of marking its mistake. It will be important that he can reason this out on his own.


This sign is the most curious of the zodiac and therefore, it is interested in several subjects at the same time. It is normal for a person of Gemini to need much more study time than in the case of other signs, since he is interested in connecting different topics of interest and does not enjoy working on understanding a single theme. Surely it has happened to you as a parent that you don’t understand why it cannot memorize or learn about a particular subject. This is because it needs different stimuli to learn it and also connect the topic to deal with topics of its interest. For example, if we are going to teach him mathematics, it could be through a game where he can pass from levels and performing increasingly complex accounts or put together posters with colors and images. On the other hand, if you have a son of Gemini, I recommend you write it down in different activities. The greater variety of activities in his leisure time, the greater his intellectual stimulation. It would be good if he learned both a sport and a musical instrument. Remember that the keys to this sign are: curiosity and variety of topics.


This sign makes its decisions taking into account its intuition. When a Cancer person makes a decision it not only considers the head but also the heart. That is why we will have to work on this basis so that the child can learn. For example, if the child has to learn the process of photosynthesis, it is preferable that we show this process as a story or through an interactive image. Once this is done let the child describe and reason the concept using their intuition. It is also important to stimulate their imagination, since they have to work hard in showing their emotions in an alternative way. Do not hesitate to register it in any artistic activity that is of its interest.


Every lion likes to stand out and be the leader. I recommend you work their learning process through a competition or a challenge. That way, you will allow him / her to take charge of solving the problem or describing a concept. It would be positive to perform a trivia of questions and answers, as more answers biggest the prize for your child. It would also be good to be part of some kind of debate where it can stand out and compete using its intellect. Do not hesitate to enroll him in a sport in his leisure time, it will be very good for him to work in his competitive spirit.


Every Virginian is analytical and very studious. Normally if you are not studying or you are not interested in the subject to be treated is because you don’t find the reason why you should learn it. It is important that we indicate the importance of studying certain topics for our child to be interested. Describe to him everything he can do when he is big once he incorporates those concepts. On the other hand, they love the details, so they will do very well in subjects such as science or history. It will be important that you work on its practical side when it comes to studying. It is important that beyond all detail, learn to synthesize and summarize to incorporate concepts more easily and thus learn to highlight the important over the irrelevant.


The individuals of Libra are very civilized and have a strong interest in everything that has an aesthetic sense. They have the instinct enough to see the reason in different points of view, although, it costs them much to have an own opinion. Being a civilizer and fostering harmony and unity among people, they prefer not to generate conflict and avoid giving their opinion. It is important to work with the child on this topic. It will be important to stimulate him to give his opinion in the learning and that is not only to learn by memory. Remember that “memorizing” does not always work for the child to incorporate knowledge and apply it to more complex issues. On the other hand, they have a great capacity for music. So, in its leisure time I recommend that you allow him to learn some instrument.


For Scorpio, perception is the key to learning. They are extremely intelligent but very vague in what they are not interested in. This means that if your child does not understand a topic, it is not because of a disability, but rather because of a lack of interest. You will have to work beyond conventional methods. For example, if you feel that history is not its strong subject, it is best to tell him what it should study as a story and then, little by little, incorporate specific data (such as dates). That way, he will not be immersed in a reading without attention or understanding. You should keep in mind that every Scorpio has to be extracurricular stimulated. That is to say, if it has an interest, be it artistic or sports, it may be a stimulus for the study that he does this activity.


Sagittarians are very intellectual people, but they need novelty and versatility. If the child has to study the same thing repeatedly, it is very likely that he will get tired. It is common that in the exams after the first, content is repeated and other complex ones are added and therefore, we must find the way that our Sagittarian child is not bored. You may have greater disadvantages when studying exact sciences because Sagittarius loves to reflect and think (something that does not offer such subjects). You will have to use different teaching methods whenever you have to study the same subject. In turn I recommend studying in different parts of your home. Take the time to do a study session in your patio, in the playground or in the national library. In this way, the child associates the study with performing an activity in a different environment. Let him give an opinion and make a mistake as Sagittarians need to give their opinion.


Capricorns are characterized by being organized. You will be able to see that perhaps, your son spends more hours preparing the summary than studying. This is because their mind needs order and without it they can’t begin. So it is best to organize a curriculum. It is best to put together a timetable determining the examination date and study days for each subject. You will have to remind it to assemble its summaries in time, before the study starting date for that particular class. On the other hand, you will also have to stimulate its imagination and encourage giving its opinion. It is important that he misses the fear of making mistakes or questioning the information, since Capricorn is not a sign that seeks to break schemes, rather he respects them.


Here we are in front of a sign that is usually very controversial since it normally questions everything. This is because Aquarius is avant-garde and needs to break schemes to create a new higher order. The end of all change must be the public good. So you have to explain the great phrase of Picasso: “learn the rules as a professional to be able to break them as a great artist.” This means that you will have to make it understood that to change something, you must first know everything about its theory and practice. I recommend you to stimulate him a lot in history, literature and political sciences, where he can give his opinion and elaborate his own points of view from the concepts given.


It is believed that the Pisces are vague, but in reality it is not so. You simply have to understand that it is the sign of water by excellence (the others are Scorpio and cancer) and therefore have a great power of abstraction and perception. They are the kind of people who can relate everything to everything, in unlimited bondage. That is why you have to stimulate their imagination. You will have to have many extracurricular activities of artistic and literary type. That way, you will be able to find the language to describe what you perceive (since words often fall short). You will have to teach him mathematics through art, history as a play and the sciences from the imagination and esotericism of the universe. Having a Piscean son is a challenge, but believe me, this will be an artistic prodigy.

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