Full moon in Aries on October 5 How will it affect us?

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Full moon in Aries on October 5 - Mystic Attitude


Beyond the full moon, I have to tell you that people in the northern hemisphere will begin to perceive more darkness, because of the lengthening of the nights. They will feel the need to make reflections and internal and deep emotional works. In contrast, for those of us in the southern hemisphere, the work will be external. Let’s just “pull out” all our reflections and decisions. You also have to consider that, thanks to the eclipses, we live a situation of interior cleaning. Starting in October, we will be putting into practice everything we learned during August and September.

Remember that full moons represent a moment of detoxification and conflict resolution. It is very normal for an unexpected situation to arise that makes us aware of how we are handling emotional situations. We need to take advantage of this moment of awareness because, thanks to this, we can move forward and improve on many internal issues. I see a situation of my own, which although I do not like it, you need to take it into account.

How does the full moon affect us in Aries?

Taking up the issue of the full moon in Aries, it is important that you know that you will feel its influence throughout the week. Remember that the energy of the fire is united with the feminine energy of the moon. It is very common that, with this lunar phase next to this particular sign, we experience a plus of much energy. The personality of Aries goes into our hearts and energizes us. This means that we are more impulsive than usual or feel the need to solve issues in a practical and fast way. Above all, there is a lot of passion for our projects. So, if you are leading your entrepreneurship, this is a great day to make inspiring decisions. It is also a great time for those who want to present their project to the public.

Beyond passion in the earthly ambit, we will also feel this energy in our emotional universe. That is why we must be twice as cautious if we do not want to be wrong with our reactions. Recall that Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and its energy (rightly) is directly linked to the first stage of life. This means that we will be impulsive, bossy, selfish and spoiled. I do not want to say that Aries has only these qualities because his fire and personal independence is something that many of us need, but it does communicate to us about the most initial emotions of our lives. Remember that the whole cycle of the 12 signs tells a story, the development of a life, and it is necessary to know it to know the virtues of each sign and how to take advantage of them.

Planetary Aspects:

Before I tell you about some of the planetary aspects, I would like to add the importance of Uranus that will be in Aries until May 2018. Remember that Uranus is a planet that represents the air element and this is the one that intensifies the power of Aires (since the air feeds the fire). The revolutionary and avant-garde side of Uranus joins the passion energy of Aries. Uranus in Aries asks us to give ourselves to change. It wants to teach us that change is constant in our lives and that apparent control is illusory. It also opened an inner call, a need to do something, to change something, although perhaps we are not clear what. Thanks to this opening, we are on the way to finding our soul and personal mission.

Moon Opposition Mercury:

It is no coincidence that in addition to having the impulsive energy of Aries, on October 5, the moon will be in opposition to Mercury (planet of communication). A link is established between emotions and the rational process to convey what we feel. There is a very strong need to convey information. It is very common for people born with this opposition to feel mental exhaustion because of the great thoughts, reasoning, conclusions and internal debates. It generates a kind of interference between emotions and reason, which can often make difficult the transmission of what we want to communicate.

Jupiter Opposition Uranus:

Both planets give us positive questions. While Uranus frees us and breaks patterns, Jupiter expands us. Jupiter will be in Libra until October 10 and will go to Scorpio. It is important not to over-identify with the energy of any of these two planets since we need to seek the balance of what they provide. The acquired learning and knowledge will give us power as well as freedom. These planets push us to total change and this is the one that frees us and allows us to grow. Above all, we want to show ourselves that when we want something we can do it.

Saturn Trine Uranus:

The trine between both forces is very interesting, since while Saturn seeks to preserve, Uranus wants to collapse. The key is to find the “what is that I need to overthrow” differentiated from “what is worth preserving”. This trine is the one that helps us to bring out our potentials and our true passions. The best representation of this trine we can see it with one of my favorite phrases of Picasso: “Learn the rules like a professional to be able to break them like an artist”. Without discipline and hard work, we will not be able to bring out in the best possible way all the unique and unmatched capacity we have inside.

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