Before beginning with the description of each of our animals of power in this 2017, it is important to know which one is the one that identifies us. Like the signs of the zodiac, in the Chinese horoscope, we have twelve characters and one of them is the protagonist of our story. This is the one that helps us describe our personality and the future that lies ahead.
The discovery of our element:
An important factor to take into account is the element of our animal, which can be: metal, water, wood, fire or earth. Let’s start by knowing this characteristic. Next, what you must do is verify the last figure of our date of birth. This number corresponds to the particular energy:
Metal: 0 and 1
Water: 2 and 3
Wood: 4 and 5
Fire: 6 and 7
Earth: 8 and 9
The personality of each energy:
These people are as their element, strong and determinant as metals. They are recognized for their intelligence, perseverance and good taste. We can say that they have a lot of reasoning ability, above the emotions. If you are metal, it is important that you learn to balance your spiritual world. You are so focused on fulfilling your earthly goals that you forget the growth of your true essence (your inner spiritual being).
As in the case of the elements in the signs of the zodiac, we enter into the depths of the waters to recognize sensitive beings, emotional and very connected with their inner being. For others you may seem like a person with a lot of emotional load, whose life seems to be scripted by a Latin novelist. Even so, you are the artist, the visionary, the intuitive and the great communicator. With your intuition you will go far!
The best word to describe wood is its natural, homely and rustic character. So if you belong to this energy, you are someone strongly connected with your roots and therefore, with the family. You enjoy numerous lunches and parenting. This doesn’t mean that you aren’t intelligent, practical and creative. Another great feature, which also generates your element, is your warmth. It may take a long time to get inside of you, since just like the trunk of a tree, you are rough on the outside, but once they know you, they will see that softness and depth you have inside.
As in the case of the elements in the signs of the zodiac, fire is characterized by having a lot of energy and strength. If you are a fire, then you are someone impulsive, active, intelligent and fearless. You are not afraid of any challenge and you will always go for more! Your vitality makes you stand out in sports activities, thus motivating your most competitive side. What should you learn? Well, being impulsive constantly is not always the answer to all your problems. There will come a point where you should be a little more reflective (although it sounds boring), since you will avoid repeating conflicts or establishing patterns.
Unlike the fire element, earth people are very reflective, predictive and analytical. If this is your element then you will recognize that your decisions take a lot of time since you like to perform an internal situation analysis before taking the first step. You like that there is a routine since you feel comfortable in it and in turn organizes you. You do not stand out for being adventurous nor for being spontaneous as you enjoy the way you do things and you think if this works why would you change it? Finally, your intelligence makes you enjoy conversations with other people who feel the same interest in knowledge as you. There is no place for the ignorant!
My animal and my energy:
Next we will know our animal and its energy. For this you will need your date of birth.
18/02/1912 – 05/02/1913: You are Water Rat
05/02/1924 – 24/01/1925: You are Wood Rat
24/01/1936 – 10/02/1937: You are Fire Rat
10/02/1948 – 28/01/1949: You are Earth Rat
28/01/1960 – 14/02/1961: You are Metal Rat
15/02/1972 – 02/02/1973: You are Water Rat
02/02/1984 – 19/02/1985: You are Wood Rat
19/02/1996 – 06/02/1997: You are Fire Rat
07/02/2008 – 25/01/2009: You are Earth Rat
06/02/1913 – 25/01/1914: You are Water Buffalo
25/01/1925 – 12/02/1926: You are Wood Buffalo
11/02/1937 – 30/01/1938: You are Fire Buffalo
29/01/1949 – 02/16/1950: You are Earth Buffalo
2/15/1961 – 04/02/1962: You are Metal Buffalo
03/02/1973 – 02/22/1974: You are Water Buffalo
02/20/1985 – 08/02/1986: You are Wood Buffalo
07/02/1997 – 01/27/1998: You are Fire Buffalo
01/26/2009 – 13/02/2010: You are Earth Buffalo
26/01/1914 – 13/02/1915: You are Wood Tiger
13/02/1926 – 01/02/1927: You are Fire Tiger
31/01/1938 – 18/02/1939: You are Earth Tiger
17/02/1950 – 05/02/1951: You are Metal Tiger
05/02/1962 – 24/01/1963: You are Water Tiger
23/01/1974 – 10/02/1975: You are Wood Tiger
09/02/1986 – 28/01/1987: You are Fire Tiger
28/01/1998 – 15/02/1999: You are Earth Tiger
14/02/2010 – 02/02/2011: You are Metal Tiger
14/02/1915 – 02/02/1916: You are Wood Rabbit
02/02/1927 – 22/01/1928: You are Fire Rabbit
19/02/1939 – 07/02/1940: You are Earth Rabbit
06/02/1951 – 26/01/1952: You are Metal Rabbit
25/01/1963 – 12/02/1964: You are Water Rabbit
11/02/1975 – 30/01/1976: You are Wood Rabbit
29/01/1987 – 16/02/1988: You are Fire Rabbit
16/02/1999 – 04/02/2000: You are Earth Rabbit
03/02/2011 – 22/01/2012: You are Metal Rabbit
03/02/1916 – 22/01/1917: You are Fire Dragon
23/01/1928 – 09/02/1929: You are Earth Dragon
08/02/1940 – 26/01/1941: You are Metal Dragon
27/01/1952 – 13/02/1953: You are Water Dragon
13/02/1964 – 01/02/1965: You are Wood Dragon
31/01/1976 – 17/02/1977: You are Fire Dragon
17/02/1988 – 05/02/1989: You are Earth Dragon
05/02/2000 – 23/01/2001: You are Metal Dragon
23/01/2012 – 09/02/2013: You are Water Dragon
23/01/1917 – 10/02/1918: You are Fire Snake
10/02/1929 – 29/02/1930: You are Earth Snake
27/01/1941 – 14/02/1942: You are Metal Snake
14/02/1953 – 02/02/1954: You are Water Snake
02/02/1965 – 20/01/1966: You are Wood Snake
18/02/1977 – 06/02/1978: You are Fire Snake
06/02/1989 – 26/01/1990: You are Earth Snake
24/01/2001 – 11/02/2002: You are Metal Snake
10/02/2013 – 30/01/2014: You are Water Snake
11/02/1918 – 01/31/1919: You are Earth Horse
30/01/1930 – 16/02/1931: You are Metal Horse
02/15/1942 – 04/02/1943: You are Water Horse
03/02/1954 – 23/01/1955: You are Wood Horse
01/21/1966 – 08/02/1967: You are Fire Horse
07/02/1978 – 01/27/1979: You are Earth Horse
1/27/1990 – 2/14/1991: You are Metal Horse
12/02/2002 – 31/01/2003: You are Water Horse
01/31/2014 – 18/02/2015: You are Wood Horse
2/13/1907 – 01/02/1908: You are Fire Goat
02/01/1919 – 02/19/1920: You are Earth Goat
17/02/1931 – 05/02/1932: You are Metal Goat
05/02/1943 – 24/01/1944: You are Water Goat
24/01/1955 – 11/02/1956: You are Wood Goat
09/02/1967 – 29/01/1968: You are Fire Goat
28/01/1979 – 02/15/1980: You are Earth Goat
02/15/1991 – 03/02/1992: You are Metal Goat
01/02/2003 – 21/01/2004: You are Water Goat
02/19/2015 – 07/02/2016: You are Wood Goat
02/02/1908 – 21/01/1909: You are Earth Monkey
20/02/1920 – 07/02/1921: You are Metal Monkey
06/02/1932 – 01/25/1933: You are Water Monkey
1/25/1944 – 12/02/1945: You are Wood Monkey
12/02/1956 – 30/01/1957: You are Fire Monkey
30/01/1968 – 02/16/1969: You are Earth Monkey
2/16/1980 – 04/02/1981: You are Metal Monkey
04/02/1992 – 01/22/1993: You are Water Monkey
01/22/2004 – 08/02/2005: You are Wood Monkey
08/02/2016 – 01/27/2017: You are Fire Monkey
08/02/1921 – 27/01/1922: You are Metal Rooster
26/01/1933 – 13/02/1934: You are Water Rooster
13/02/1945 – 01/02/1946: You are Wood Rooster
31/01/1957 – 17/02/1958: You are Fire Rooster
17/02/1969 – 05/02/1970: You are Earth Rooster
05/02/1981 – 24/01/1982: You are Metal Rooster
23/01/1993 – 09/02/1994: You are Water Rooster
09/02/2005 – 28/01/2006: You are Wood Rooster
28/01/2017 – 15/02/2018: You are Fire Rooster
10/02/1910 – 29/01/1911: You are Metal Dog
28/01/1922 – 15/02/1923: You are Water Dog
14/02/1934 – 03/02/1935: You are Wood Dog
02/02/1946 – 21/01/1947: You are Fire Dog
18/02/1958 – 07/02/1959: You are Earth Dog
06/02/1970 – 26/01/1971: You are Metal Dog
25/01/1982 – 12/02/1983: You are Water Dog
10/02/1994 – 30/01/1995: You are Wood Dog
29/01/2006 – 17/02/2007: You are Fire Dog
30/01/1911 – 17/02/1912: You are Metal Pig
16/02/1923 – 04/02/1924: You are Water Pig
04/02/1935 – 23/01/1936: You are Wood Pig
22/01/1947 – 09/02/1948: You are Fire Pig
08/02/1959 – 27/01/1960: You are Earth Pig
27/01/1971 – 14/02/1972: You are Metal Pig
13/02/1983 – 01/02/1984: You are Water Pig
31/01/1995 – 18/02/1996: You are Wood Pig
18/02/2007 – 06/02/2008: You are Fire Pig
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