People who experience contact with the spirit world often receive signs of light beings or teachers. Signals can be presented in different ways or through different means. The important thing is to be attentive in order to receive them. Light messages are given through numbers. In this third article, we will see the last combination of numbers. In this case we will see the message of 777,888 and 999.
This is one of the most beautiful angelic numbers we can perceive. They are congratulating us from the heavenly and it is a confirmation that we are on the right path in our lives. Our teachers are accompanying us in our decisions and telling us that in the future we can expect more positive experiences.
The 7 is a magic number for many reasons since it is present in many religious, esoteric and occult questions like those that we will see next:
- For the Hebrews symbolizes the flaming sword and in turn, we can see its presence in the cabalistic tree of life.
- There are the 7 Hermetic Laws of Hermes Trismegistus.
- In the case of occultism, Aleister Crowley, published a book whose headline was the same “777”. In the same, it seeks to describe how the occult sciences can allow us to control the energy and decisions of third parties.
- In the tarot, it is The Chariot. Where we see The Lover (card number 6) evolved. We see a man who is guided by his destiny and his spiritual and earthly power.
The 888 tells us that we are close to the culmination of a phase. We must prepare ourselves spiritually for the arrival of the end of cycle.
For Christians it is the number of Christ, since on the eighth day Jesus was resurrected. That is why we can mention that the 8 is the number of the resurrection, transmutation and new beginnings.
It is a number linked with many religious architectural structures since it represents the passage from the terrestrial to the celestial world. It is a bridge, a passage, the key to go from one world to another. Consequently, it is no coincidence that religions apply it as the basis of its construction.
We can appreciate both hexagonal structures A.D. such as B.C. like the Temple of Tholos of Epidaurus or the Castel del Monte in Puglia. If we enter the Mount Castle the key is to reach the center and look up as we are going to contemplate a discovered hexagon that allows us to see the sky.
The 888 has a strong religious energy charge. It is the key to the portal of the heavenly world to the earthly world and vice versa. Just as it represents the passage from one plane to another, it tells us that we are going to happen from moment to moment in our lives. The cycle is coming to an end and we have to be prepared for what lies ahead.
The number 9 is linked to the end of cycle. It is the culmination of what exists so that the new is born in you. The universe and the beings of light seek to provide you with other knowledge that will help you move forward with your life. The fact that it is multiplied by 3 means that this change is total and implies a very great spiritual growth.
In turn, it has a strong energy charge as it represents wisdom, meditation and spiritual contemplation. In the tarot, it is the Hermit who seeks to reach his destination guided by the light of his wisdom. No one knows when it will reach its destination but its goal is to transmit its knowledge. That is why the 9 not only indicates the end of the cycle but also the importance of transmitting our spiritual knowledge.
Each number helps us to fulfill our mission. From the heavens they are speaking to us in the language of the signs. It is important to be attentive in order to receive the information that our teachers and beings of light are giving us. If you see it necessary, write each time one of these numbers appear in your life. The frequency with which one visualizes these signals is proportional to the importance of the message itself. Remember that each sign tells us something that we must fulfill.
Could you please let me know how my passed-over loved 1s are&whether there is any messages from them. Also could you let them know I love&miss them all so much.., could they also look over our loved 1s&try&keep us on the right path etc..