What issues correspond to each tarot card?

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The Tarot cards have a symbology that depends directly on the consultant, their questions, the roll and the order of the Arcana. It is important to keep in mind that as the cards give us information, they also help us to ask questions about that situation. Because is this important? Simply because it is also positive to ask our consultant about some internal issues in order to enrich the query with his point of view.

The Magician asks:

What should I transmute? What things should I change from my job? Am I doing what I am passionate about? Am I making my own way or fulfilling the wishes of my parents?

The Woman Pope asks:

How am I applying my knowledge? How is my relationship with my partner? Do I have mental structures? If I answer yes: Are these structures necessary or imposed? Is there any repressed desire? Do I have a good relationship with my mother? How am I as a mother?

The Empress asks:

Am I free in my thoughts? Can I do what I want? What do I want, need, and desire? Do I let my feminine energy flow?

The Emperor asks:

Am I satisfied with my work? Am I happy with my way of life? I am structured? If I answer yes: What am I structured in? Am I good with my employees? What are my aspirations? What is my territory? Do I share my territory or am I possessive?

The Pope asks:

Where is my faith and hope in? Do I convey my knowledge? Do I feel a connection with the spiritual world? Do I have the ability to help others? What do I believe in?

The Lover asks:

How do I feel in my relationship? Am I for habit or true love? Am I afraid of being released from a bond? If I have to make a decision between two people, which is the one that gives me pure love? Does the person next to me support me? What is the relationship I am developing? After this answer you have to ask yourself: Is this the bond that makes me happy?

The Carriage asks:

Where am I going? Is this the way to what I want? Am I doing what I want? Am I valuing the beginning and the present state of my work development? How far do I want to go? After this answer you have to ask yourself: Is that really what will make me feel satisfied? Do I understand that work is not everything?

Justice asks:

What is my thinking about justice? What do I think is fair? Am I treating with justice others? What do I feel is unfair? After this answer you have to ask: Is there anything that can change? Am I able to let go these unjust situations of the present or the past?

The Hermit asks:

Am I moving away from someone? Am I moving away from any situation? Who did I have to leave? Do I feel like someone left me? Am I isolated? In my isolation What am I protecting from myself? Do I feel alone when I’m with someone? What is the path I’m going through?

The Wheel of the Fortune asks:

Am I at the end of a cycle? Am I starting a different cycle or do I repeat the same? Are the situations or people around me repetitive patterns? How do I feel that I can clean my Karma? Do I feel like I have good luck or bad luck?

The Force asks:

How do I handle my impulses? Do I control myself in the discussions or does my anger break out? In what aspect of my life do I feel that I am strong? In what aspect of my life do I feel that I am weak? Why do I feel weak in these aspects? May I be who I am? Do I feel like I have to be in control? If yes, about what I feel I need to have control?

The Hanged Question:

How am I managing the stage in which I am living? Am I calm when facing crisis? What things do I have to let go? Can I stay calm in the face of change?

Death asks:

What bonds I’m cutting? What part of me is changing? What do I think should change in me? Who do I want to disappear from my life? Do I understand that I can’t change others? Can I withdraw from attachment?

Temperance asks:

What part of my life does it need to balance? Am I applying my emotional energy? Do I think something superior wants to help me? Do I believe in the guides? Am I protective? Do I feel that someone alive or dead protects me? Can I receive signals from my teachers?

The Devil asks:

What holds me tied? Do I feel repressed? Do I have any hidden desire? Am I a creative being? Is there something or someone that tempts me? Is there something you are consuming in excess? Is there anything in my life that is taking more value than my person? Am I doing business considering others and respecting the law?

The Tower asks:

What has just been revolutionized in me? What aspect of me has just come to light? What relationship ended abruptly? What am I releasing that is suppressed?

The Star asks:

Do I feel in touch with nature? Do I believe in higher energies? Can I manage what is given or wasted? What energy am I wasting and which do I manage correctly? Do I use my energy consciously? Do I understand my limits with regard to giving to another?

The Moon asks:

How is my relationship with my mother? Was there any inconvenience in the labor process? Did my mother want to have me or is there a rejection? What is hidden? After this answer you have to ask yourself: What is hidden is it affecting my present? Is generating harmful relationships or patterns? Am I doing something to heal it?

The Sun asks:

Do I feel in harmony with myself? What activity or person gives me energy? Do I feel in harmony with others? Do I take the present time? Do I give myself time? Do I trust myself and others? Can I free myself from the past even if I do not understand it?

The Trial Question:

Do I consider myself a receiver of information from higher beings? Am I listening to my heart or my thoughts? Do I understand that the stage in which I am has to come to an end? Do I have to transmit all of myself? Am I asleep or awkward? Am I really seeing what happens in me and around me?

The Universe asks:

Did I find my place in the world? Am I ready to start a family? Do I feel in harmony with everything around me? Do I value the fact that I am a living being? Do I value my surroundings? Do I let my energy flow with the cosmos?

El Loco asks:

What is my path? What doors are in front of me? What prevents me from moving forward? What am I trying to get away from? Do I control my impulses?