jhemema_mini_chatOf calm and reserved temper, Jhemema turned to the world of the astrology with barely 23 years. Having finished his studies in finance and not being satisfied with his career, one day his grandmother, who was a tarot and seer, gave him an ancient book on astrology. Thrown into his room, he devoured that book and for the first time knew for sure the direction his life was to take: reading letters.
Before acquiring this valuable knowledge, many friends and family approached him for advice on how to manage his finances, then he thought it would be a good idea to combine his knowledge of economics and his gift of card reading to guide the consultants along the way of abundance and prosperity.
Fascinated with the idea of being able to help and provide answers to those who consulted him, from that day today he did not stop at what he said was “the most important and most satisfying decision of his life”: to use his experience and knowledge at the service of others.